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A 3-time gold medalist's hopes of competing in another Olympics this summer came to an agonizing halt over the course of a whirlwind week

Meredith Cash   

A 3-time gold medalist's hopes of competing in another Olympics this summer came to an agonizing halt over the course of a whirlwind week
  • American swimmer Ryan Murphy spoke about his experience learning that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were being postponed.
  • The three-time Olympic gold medalist was at the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado when the country began to shut down due to the spread of COVID-19.
  • Murphy headed back to California without many of the resources he relies on to train, but assuming the games were on as scheduled.
  • He didn't learn that the Olympics were being postponed until nearly a week later when Team USA head coach Dave Durden called him to relay the message.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

One week, Ryan Murphy was in the final stretch of training for the second Olympics of his illustrious swimming career.

The next, the 24-year-old's plans — and the entire world — got flipped upside down.

A three-time Olympic gold medalist and the current world record holder in the long course 100-meter backstroke, Murphy told Insider that the week preceding the International Olympic Committee's official decision to postpone the 2020 Tokyo games "was tough" because "the situation seemed to progress so much" and there was so much uncertainty about the future.

"If I said something to one of my friends, it felt like two hours later that information was now out of date," he said. "That was a crazy situation to be apart of."

Murphy was at the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Training Center early in March

The facility, which is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, had all of the resources he needed to train for the upcoming Olympics. Murphy was focused on getting his reps in and ramping up his efforts.

But with just four months remaining until Tokyo 2020's kickoff, the status of the games — and the state of the entire world — became much murkier.

"We got a call on a Tuesday night saying, 'Hey, the Colorado governor is shutting down the training center, so you guys have to get out of there,'" Murphy said. "So we left on a Wednesday morning. The Olympic decision came down the following Tuesday, so there was a six-day period between us leaving Colorado and the Olympic decision."

Those six days were riddled with uncertainty for Murphy, his fellow national teamers, and all of the Olympic hopefuls around the world.

"We were obviously keeping up with the news and seeing how this situation was evolving," he said. "That was tough."

Murphy returned to his home in Berkeley, California, and picked up with his training using the facilities at his alma mater

But like many other athletes, he began to see their training arrangements compromised by the rapid shutdown of the country.

"Every day, it felt like we were losing another resource," Murphy said. "So one day it was like 'okay, you can't go in the weight room at Cal anymore,' and the next day it was like 'okay, you can't use the pool at Cal anymore.'"

As these new, local developments rolled in "even by the hour," Murphy and his teammates — like the rest of the world — were left in the dark about the status of the 2020 Olympics. They had little choice but to assume the games would go on as planned.

"In my mind, I knew these resources were going away, but the Olympics hadn't been postponed at this point," Murphy said. "So my mentality was like, 'I'm in a really good spot athletically right now, and I'm in a good spot mentally, so I'm going to figure it out. I'm going to find a way to be ready in the midst of all this craziness.'"

So he did. The backstroke specialist made do with what he had at home for conditioning purposes and tried to keep perspective so as not to get overwhelmed mentally or emotionally.

"I was really locked in," Murphy said. "I was doing pull-ups on my tree and doing really hard workouts in my house just to make sure I was staying in really good shape."

"And then the situation continued to evolve," Murphy said.

By the following Monday — March 23 — the global outlook for the coronavirus pandemic was looking considerably bleaker

The whispers that the Tokyo Olympics would not happen on time were getting louder by the minute. Then, that night, Murphy "got a bit of a heads up" that the games wouldn't go on as planned.

"I got a call from my coach, Dave Durden, who is the head Olympic coach for the now-2021 Olympics," he said. "He called me on Monday night and was like 'Hey Ryan, we've done a really good job over these past couple of days. I'm really proud of how you guys approached it ... but we're going to take a step back and take a week off because the Olympics are going to be postponed sometime soon.'"

Murphy headed off to bed without setting the alarm — "Well, I'm sleeping in now," he recalls thinking — and woke up to the news that the IOC was officially pushing the games back. His phone started ringing at 6 a.m. with "a lot of people that wanted to talk," including many of Murphy's national team teammates who were navigating similar reactions to his own.

"That whole Tuesday was essentially spent talking on the phone with a lot of my buddies on the national team," Murphy said. "We were talking through our emotions, and it was a total mix. We were all supporting each other because we knew everyone was in a good spot."

"We were like 'even though we don't know when [the Olympics are] postponed to yet, we're going to be ready no matter what,'" he added. "'Whenever the Olympics are, we're going to be ready for it, and we're going to be really good.'"

Murphy said those conversations brought him "closure on my competitive mindset" and allowed him to begin focusing on how he would spend his time in quarantine.

Now, Murphy is shifting his focus in light of the postponement and social isolation protocols

In addition to taking quite an unorthodox approach to staying in shape, the many-time NCAA champion has picked up his nonfiction reading, followed his investments more closely, watched the NFL Draft, "The Last Dance," and "Tiger King," and launched Recess with Ryan — a home workout stream for families.

Working through The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund, Murphy found time to video chat with children who are battling cancer amid the coronavirus crisis. He encouraged "people who are in a position to give 30 minutes of their time" to do so because "kids with cancer is an underserved community in this time."

"[The organization] approached me and said this is a really tough time for kids with cancer because hospitals are really restricting the visiting hours," Murphy said. "These kids are legitimately in the fight for their life and in a really, really hard situation and they can't really have visitors."

"I love getting to talk to those kids," he added. "Their stories are so inspiring."

But with everything on his plate and the now-2021 Olympics on the horizon, Murphy stressed the importance of adhering to social distancing protocols. Even though he's itching to get back in the pool on a more consistent basis, Murphy said it's crucial that we all "do our part to protect the medical community and flatten the curve."

"The more we can do to protect our community and support the medical community, the sooner we're going to be out of this," he said. "That's our biggest focus right now — just making sure everything we do is following the guidelines of the health professionals in our country."

Read the original article on Insider

