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How it is to live the life of an IPL cheerleader?

How did they land up in IPL?

How it is to live the life of an IPL cheerleader?

​ Do Cheerleaders like audience?

​ Do Cheerleaders like audience?
“There's just so many nasty men making kissy faces and taking my picture that I tend to just block it all out. Often I'll lock eyes with some nice people that are smiling and those are the people I'll focus on for most of the game. So I haven't really seen many funny things. If someone genuinely made me laugh though, that would be a welcome thing,” said the cheerleader.

​ What kind of hotels do cheerleaders stay in?

​ What kind of hotels do cheerleaders stay in?

They don’t stay in five stars every day. “The first two games they were more like 1 star hotels. Cockroaches, I saw a rat and rat droppings, it was pretty bad. But we quickly spoke up and realized our manager for that trip had been skimping us and pocketing the money he was saving on a cheaper hotel. Now they're more like 3 star. Perfectly comfortable but not over the top,” told the cheerleader.

Cricketers don’t mingle with them

Cricketers don’t mingle with them
In case you thought, cheerleaders get lucky with the players, it’s not the case. Cricketers and cheerleaders have separate parties and the players mostly ignore them.

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