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16 Examples Of Kevin Garnett's Insane Intensity

He made teammate Glen Davis cry by yelling at him during a game.

16 Examples Of Kevin Garnett's Insane Intensity
Sports1 min read

He talks trash like crazy. An opponent once accused KG of calling him a "cancer patient."

He talks trash like crazy. An opponent once accused KG of calling him a "cancer patient."

Source: ESPN

He deleted Ray Allen's number from his phone when he joined the Heat.

He deleted Ray Allen


He completely ignored Ray Allen when he tried to say hello.

He completely ignored Ray Allen when he tried to say hello.

This quote from teammate Jason Collins: "He could be telling you about the weather, and he’ll break out in a full sweat. His intensity is just non-stop."

This quote from teammate Jason Collins: "He could be telling you about the weather, and he’ll break out in a full sweat. His intensity is just non-stop."

Source: BS Report

He gives completely unhinged postgame interviews, like when he declared a game against Orlando a "bar fight."

He gives completely unhinged postgame interviews, like when he declared a game against Orlando a "bar fight."

Or when he ignored a question after Game 5 against the Knicks and just started yelling.

Or when he ignored a question after Game 5 against the Knicks and just started yelling.

And when he freaked out after winning the NBA title.

And when he freaked out after winning the NBA title.

He does push-ups in the middle of games.

He does push-ups in the middle of games.

He took a war metaphor way, way too far before a Game 7 in Minnesota.

He took a war metaphor way, way too far before a Game 7 in Minnesota.

Source: ESPN

He gets so hyped up before games that he starts sweating profusely ...

He gets so hyped up before games that he starts sweating profusely ...

And then bangs his head into the basket support.

And then bangs his head into the basket support.

He once got into a fight with teammate Wally Szczerbiak because he criticized him during practice.

He once got into a fight with teammate Wally Szczerbiak because he criticized him during practice.

Source: CBC

He once vulgarly berated 19-year-old rookie Nikoloz Tskitishvili for an entire game.

He once vulgarly berated 19-year-old rookie Nikoloz Tskitishvili for an entire game.

Source: NYT

He once started sprinting back-and-forth during a practice when he was supposed to be resting.

He once started sprinting back-and-forth during a practice when he was supposed to be resting.

Source: ESPN

He mentally destroyed Carmelo Anthony in a game, leading to Melo confronting him in the parking lot.

He mentally destroyed Carmelo Anthony in a game, leading to Melo confronting him in the parking lot.

Source: TMZ

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