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Social Media Helps March Madness Beat Super Bowl In Ad Revenue

Heather Leonard   

Social Media Helps March Madness Beat Super Bowl In Ad Revenue

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Social Media Helps March Madness Beat The Super Bowl In Ad Revenue (Forbes)
According to the NCAA, 7.7 million social media comments about the tournament are made during telecasts. This social media dialogue extends beyond the game, to discussions about the NCAA’s March Madness corporate partners. The NCAA reports that there are 1.5 billion online conversations that occur about corporate partners throughout the tournament. According to Kantar Media, 266 different marketers have spent more than $5.9 billion on advertising during March Madness over the last decade. The biggest ad spend was seen during last year’s tournament, when advertisers spent just over $1 billion. This year’s Super Bowl raked in $976.3 million in advertising revenue. The social media reach of March Madness is arguably driving the increase in ad spend during March Madness, as ad spending has increased by 64 percent over the last two years. Read >>

Real-Time Marketing Grows In Importance As Social Analytics Improve (eMarketer)
The age of real-time marketing is nigh, according to a new report by eMarketer. Marketers are already well-versed in analyzing social media sentiment for clues to brand health, and most have the capability to respond to comments and complaints on social media. But more are now tapping the services of social analytics vendors, digital agencies and PR firms to also use social data for a variety of outbound marketing activities. In a 2012 survey conducted by Infogroup Targeting Solutions and Yesmail Interactive, 53 percent of marketers worldwide said they planned to make greater use of real-time data in 2013. In addition, 80 percent of surveyed marketers said they planned to use social media data in their broader marketing efforts. Read >>

social media multi-tasking


The Rise Of Social Media Multitasking (eMarketer via Mediabistro)
More than eight in 10 Facebook users, and around two-thirds of Twitter users have actively used these social media sites while they are watching TV, reveals a new study. But that’s not all. It turns out social media users are great multitaskers all round, with social media being a popular concurrent pastime whilst traveling, working and shopping, and even when using the lavatory. More than half of Facebook users and just over a third of Twitter users admitted to social networking whilst on the toilet, and slightly less have done so whilst drunk, notes a study last month from CreditDonkey. Of most concern is the revelation that almost one in five (19 percent) have used Facebook whilst driving. Read >>

Social Login Users Still Choose Facebook, But Google Is Quickly Gaining (Janrain via TechCrunch)
Since Google launched its Google+ sign-ins earlier this year, social logins have suddenly become a hot topic again. According to the latest data from social login provider Janrain, Facebook continues to be the most popular identity provider for social logins, but the social network is starting to lose some ground to Google.

social media login


Facebook currently accounts for about 46 percent of social logins on Janrain and Google’s share is 34 percent. For Facebook, that’s a 3 percent drop from the fourth quarter 2012, however. Meanwhile, Google’s share increased by 3 percent. This is the second consecutive quarter during which Facebook lost ground to Google. Read >>

Why Facebook Stock Is Set To Go Higher (ETF Daily News)
Facebook is stalling in the mid-$20 range, as the market looks for evidence that the company can make money from its user base. Its share price may really explode upward if the company can monetize this massive user base. The future for the company will lie with its aggressive shift into mobile advertising. The price is still well below its $38 IPO price and its $45 high reached on Facebook’s May 18, 2012 debut; but don't be surprised to see the stock eventually head back toward its IPO price. Read >>

Margaret Thatcher: The Social Media Reaction (Meltwater via
Check out how you reacted to the passing of Margaret Thatcher. Read >>

social media responds to margaret thatcher's death



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