Combined Smartphone And Tablet Revenue To Exceed Entire Consumer Electronics Market This Year (IHS)
Research outfit IHS recently compared the history of combined smartphone and tablet revenue to revenue from the broader consumer electronics (CE) market to compare future revenue trajectories for both markets.
In doing so, IHS found that
The presence of mobile devices has not only added a dimension to the CE market, it has also single handedly made each product within the CE category slightly less valuable. Smartphones and tablets now all carry a quality substitute for almost every product in the CE category: TV (mobile video, YouTube), audio equipment (iTunes, Pandora), cameras and camcorders (a standard on mobile device hardware), video game consoles (mobile games and apps). It's no wonder the mobile category is far outpacing its CE counterpart. Read >
In other news...
Samsung had another record quarter for profit, which is up 26% in Q3, but the handset maker warned of slower smartphone sales to close out the year. (TechCrunch)
The new LinkedIn product, Intro, which places LinkedIn profile info onto iPhone emails, is being questioned about its security. (Wall Street Journal)
Google Search locations have grown over 600%, according to a USC study. (USC)
Fortune released its quarterly survey of Apple analysts that forecasts the results of the current fourth quarter. (Fortune)
Samsung is making the Galaxy Gear smart watch compatible with more of its devices after learning that more than 30% of purchases of the smart watch have been returned. (Geek)
DirecTV and Time Warner Cable are considering incorporating a service like Aereo into their product mix. Aereo allows users to stream live TV over the Internet. (Bloomberg)
Amazon And The "Profitless Business Model" Fallacy. (Eugene Wei)
Pinterest has partnered with Getty Images for metadata. (TechCrunch)