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The 51 best people in European finance to follow on Twitter

The European Central Bank

The 51 best people in European finance to follow on Twitter

The Bank of England

The Bank of England

Handle: @bankofengland

Occupation: Britain's Central Bank

Why: Until Mark Carney gets an official Twitter account, this is the best way of finding out what's going on in the Bank.

Tweets data, reports, and minutes from pretty much all of the Old Lady's meetings and events. Crucial info for any market watcher.

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Brenda Kelly

Brenda Kelly

Handle: @brenda_kelly

Occupation: Head Analyst at London Capital Group

Why: Tweets at least ten times a day on everything markets. From oil prices and ECB chatter and all the way to British equities.

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Ashraf Laidi

Ashraf Laidi

Handle: @alaidi

Occupation: Strategist, trader, and author

Why: Really knows his stuff about the markets. Often drops recommendations on what to buy and sell in pretty much every asset class.

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Alan Steel

Alan Steel

Handle: @asibiza1

Occupation: Head of Alan Steel Asset Management

Why: Award-winning investment advisor. Shares investment tips, and frequently provides links to brilliant market analysis.

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Helena Morrisey

Helena Morrisey

Handle: @morrisseyhelena

Occupation: CEO of Newton Investment Management

Why: She manages to juggle having nine children, leading a major investment firm, and fighting for women in the workplace while still finding time to tweet about everything from gender equality to the potential economic impacts of Brexit. Definitely worth a follow.

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Kit Juckes

Kit Juckes

Handle: @kitjuckes

Occupation: Head of FX Strategy at Societe Generale

Why: One of the highest-level strategists at SocGen, but he's casual on Twitter. He engages other finance folks and keeps the conversation going.

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David Powell

David Powell

Handle: @davidjpowell24

Occupation: Chief Euro-area economist at Bloomberg LP, and author

Why: Few people will give you better insights on whats going down in the Eurozone. Uses his Bloomberg terminal to tweet out awesome charts

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Brian M. Lucey

Brian M. Lucey

Handle: @brianmlucey

Occupation: Finance professor at Trinity College Dublin

Why: Constantly tweeting about economic developments in the UK and Ireland. Shares a daily round-up of his favourite news stories.

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Frederik Ducrozet

Frederik Ducrozet

Handle: @fwred

Occupation: Senior economist for Credit Agricole.

Why: He provides live commentary and analysis on events in the eurozone. Sometimes will tweet out his research notes.

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Danny Blanchflower

Danny Blanchflower

Handle: @d_blanchflower

Occupation: Economist and professor at Dartmouth University

Why: US-based, but he's a former member of the Bank of England's MPC and very critical of the current UK government.

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Paul Diggle

Paul Diggle

Handle: @pauldiggle

Occupation: Economist at Aberdeen Asset Management

Why: Excellent, pithy observations about the state of the markets, and the occasional great chart.

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Handle: @EU_eurostat

Occupation: The EU's statistical agency

Why: Tweets out fascinating statistics and charts about everything from immigration levels, the hourly labour rates, and industrial production within the EU.

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Adair Turner

Adair Turner

Handle: @adairturneruk

Occupation: Chairman of the Institute for New Economic Thinking

Why: The former UK Financial Services Authority chairman is pretty new to Twitter, and doesn't tweet all that much, but what he does tweet is always hugely informative.

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Richard Beddard

Richard Beddard

Handle: @richardbeddard

Occupation: Companies Editor at Interactive Investor

Why: Razor sharp analysis of what's going on with British companies.

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Alasdair Smith

Alasdair Smith

Handle: @alasdairmsmith

Occupation: Economist and Chair at the Competitions and Markets Authority.

Why: His job is all about ensuring that banks are kept in line, and he uses Twitter to share all his findings, as well as engaging on UK politics.

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Stephen Kelly

Stephen Kelly

Handle: @skellyceo

Occupation: CEO of Sage Group

Why: One of the most active FTSE100 CEOs on Twitter, provides insights into the world of Sage, and champions small businesses.

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Samuel Tombs

Samuel Tombs

Handle: @samueltombs

Occupation: Chief Economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics

Why: You won't miss anything that goes on in the UK labour markets if you follow Tombs.

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Taavet Hinrikus

Taavet Hinrikus

Handle: @taavet

Occupation: Co-founder and CEO of Transferwise

Why: Fintech, or financial technology, is one of the hottest areas in the world of finance right now. As the head of one of Britain's best known fintech startups, Hinrikus is the man to follow for all your fintech needs.

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Mark O'Byrne

Mark O

Handle: @marktobyrne

Occupation: Fintech entrepreneur, founder of GoldCore

Why: Bringing fintech to the world of precious metals, tweeting about it along the way.

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Aurelia Augulyte

Aurelia Augulyte

Handle: @auaurelija

Occupation: Macro strategist that specialises in FX markets

Why: She's based in Denmark so can provide great insights into northern European news and European currencies.

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George Osborne

George Osborne

Handle: @George_Osborne

Occupation: Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer

Why: Arguably the most important person in the British economy. When he speaks, the market listens.

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Chris Williamson

Chris Williamson

Handle: @williamsonchris

Occupation: Chief Economist at Markit

Why: Shares a bunch of great charts on UK, Eurozone, and Global PMI data, as well as other economic indicators.

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Gabriel Sterne

Gabriel Sterne

Handle: @gabrielsterne

Occupation: Economist at Oxford Economics

Why: All of the charts, all of the time.

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Jake Moeller

Jake Moeller

Handle: @jakemoeller1

Occupation: Head of UK & Ireland Researcher at Thomson Reuters Lipper

Why: Daily updates on what's going on with mutual and exchange traded funds.

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Jonathan Algar

Jonathan Algar

Handle: @jonathanalgar

Occupation: Financial Economist

Why: Former Goldman analyst, follows the eurozone mercilessly. Spends lots of time in Lisbon, so provides great English language insights into the Portuguese economy.

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Alex White

Alex White

Handle: @alexwhite1812

Occupation: Country Analysis Director, Economist Intelligence Unit

Why: Another keen Europe watcher. If anything big happens in the eurozone, White will tell you about it.

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Danae Kyriakopoulou

Danae Kyriakopoulou

Handle: @dkyriakopoulou

Occupation: Senior Economist at the Centre for Economics and Business Research

Why: Based in London so keeps on top of things in UK markets, but Danae is originally from Greece, so she knows what's up with the country's economy.

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Howard Archer

Howard Archer

Handle: @howardarcheruk

Occupation: Chief European and UK Economist at IHS

Why: Follows European PMIs and Bank of England interest rates like a hawk

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Richard Tonkin

Richard Tonkin

Handle: @richt2

Occupation: Head of Household Income & Expenditure Analysis for Office for National Statistics

Why: All of those wonderful ONS graphs, but specifically focused on Britain's households.

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Erik Fossing Nielsen

Erik Fossing Nielsen

Handle: @erikfossing

Occupation: Group Chief Economist at UniCredit

Why: He's Danish and provides a great perspective on Scandinvian issues.

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Simon Baptist

Simon Baptist

Handle: @baptist_simon

Occupation: Chief Economist at the Economist Intelligence Unit

Why: Europe based, but with a global perspective. Tweets on issues from Indonesian forex reserves all the way to the economic effects of a snap election in Vanuatu.

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Geneva Girl

Geneva Girl

Handle: @sardonicax

Occupation: Geneva-based finance type.

Why: Tweets on everything from hedge fund performance to pumpkins.

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Emmanuel Schizas

Emmanuel Schizas

Handle: @eschizas

Occupation: Policy wonk/Associate at the FCA

Why: All over Greece all of the time. Runs a blog called LOL Greece

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Alberto Gallo

Alberto Gallo

Handle: @macrocredit

Occupation: Head of macro credit research at RBS

Why: Covers government debt and interest rates mercilessly. Recently claimed Mario Draghi is Santa.

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Frances Coppola

Frances Coppola

Handle: @frances_coppola

Occupation: Writes on banking, finance and economics

Why: She has tweeted 223,000 times and shares a massive range of great content, from both herself and others.

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Samir Desai

Samir Desai

Handle: @samirdesai01

Occupation: CEO and co-founder of Funding Circle

Why: The boss of another of London's brightest fintech firms, Desai will keep you up to date with everything going on in the company, which just passed £1 billion in total lending in the UK.

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Gustavo Baratta

Gustavo Baratta

Handle: @gusbaratta

Occupation: Trader of Italian government bonds at Banca IMI.

Why: Knows the crucial Italian bond market in and out and tweets it live.

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Raoul Ruparel

Raoul Ruparel

Handle: @raoulruparel

Occupation: Co-director of Open Europe, the think-tank pushing for EU reform

Why: Constantly tweeting about Eurozone issues, both economic, and political.

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Mark Franks

Mark Franks

Handle: @markwfranks

Occupation: Chief economist at the Office of Manpower Economics

Why: Charts, charts, charts. Mostly from the ONS

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Stephanie Flanders

Stephanie Flanders

Handle: @MyStephanomics

Occupation: Chief UK and Europe Market Strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management

Why: The BBC's former economics editor is now an insider with JPMorgan, so she's got that journalistic instinct coupled with market nous.

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Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis

Handle: @yanisvaroufakis

Occupation: Former Greek Finance Minister

Why: Varoufakis doesn't wield quite as much power now he's no longer in the Greek hotseat, but he's still pretty active on Twitter, frequently criticising Europe's "inane handling of an inevitable crisis."

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Lionel Barber

Lionel Barber

Handle: @lionelbarber

Occupation: Editor of the Financial Times

Why: Big boss at probably the best respected financial publication in Europe. What Barber says carries a lot of weight.

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George Magnus

George Magnus

Handle: @georgemagnus1

Occupation: Economic thinker, commentator, and consultant

Why: Former chief economist at UBS so knows his stuff. Spends alot of time talking about China, also tweets about Liverpool FC.

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Mike van Dulken

Mike van Dulken

Handle: @accendo_mike

Occupation: Head of Research at Accendo Markets

Why: In his own words, macro data and market observations. Shares a whole lot of charts and interesting articles.

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John van Reenen

John van Reenen

Handle: @johnvanreenen

Occupation: Director at LSE's Centre for Economic Performance

Why: Tweets about great research from the London School of Economics and others on everything from climate change to happiness.

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Andrew Sentance

Andrew Sentance

Handle: @asentance

Occupation: Business economist at PwC

Why: Former Bank of England monetary policy committee member so he knows his stuff about the UK economy. Plus, he writes songs about economics!

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Jonathan Portes

Jonathan Portes

Handle: @jdportes

Occupation: Works at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Why: Lots of tweets about the economics of immigration and migration, plus other UK demographic issues.

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Romesh Vaitiligam

Romesh Vaitiligam

Handle: @econromesh

Occupation: Media consultant and writer

Why: Great tweets on everything from climate change to security cameras, all with an economic twist.

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The Office for National Statistics

The Office for National Statistics

Handle: @ONS

Occupation: Britain's statistical authority

Why: If you love statistics, then you'll love following the ONS. Not everything it tweets is based on the economy, but they produce a serious amount of data on all sorts of UK topics.

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Business Insider UK

Business Insider UK

Handle: @BI_Europe

Occupation: The best news site on the web

Why: Smart, thoughtful coverage and analysis of all the biggest issues in Europe.

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