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  3. Why do people love Steve Jobs than Bill Gates even though the latter is a better human being

Why do people love Steve Jobs than Bill Gates even though the latter is a better human being

Evolution against revolutionary

Why do people love Steve Jobs than Bill Gates even though the latter is a better human being

Life story

 Life story

On a Quora post, it’s informed that Jobs was adopted, had a middle-class upbringing, dropped out of college for financial reasons and dreamt of changing the world. However Bill Gates is the son of a prominent Seattle lawyer, had a private school education, dropped out of Harvard to dedicate himself to Microsoft, and worked tirelessly to put Microsoft products on just about every computer on the planet. This humble upbringing may be one of the major reasons for this.
For the world full of mediocre, Jobs serve as an immediate dope to inspire oneself up.

Jobs loved limelight

 Jobs loved limelight
While both of them were equally competitive and inspirational, Quora user Ty Doyle writes, Jobs was a better showman. He worked harder on his public persona than did Gates, and seemed to like the attention. Regardless of what he was like at work or behind closed doors, Jobs built a public image of himself as the Edison of the computer age, a cool visionary who was going to harness technology and put it to great use for ordinary people. He wasn't selling machines, but changing the world.

Apple was more consumer-centric?

 Apple was more consumer-centric?

From the very beginning, Apple was quite consumer oriented. The goal of Jobs was to bring simple yet elegant technology to users. Jobs pressed the fact that Apple isn’t just computer. However, Gates emphasised on business. Microsoft was more business specific and had a goal of catering out standardized and useful programs. For Apple, buying its product makes you special. But Microsoft still appeals to only hardcore technology lovers.

​ Popular culture

​ Popular culture
Pop culture has a heavy impact on Steve Job’s fame. While Microsoft ruled the PC market, Bill Gates didn’t give much positivity to the people. Jobs on the other hand created fans. For Apple, the customers were more than just people buying a product.
Films like Pirates of Silicon Valley portrayed Bill as a thief and Steve as a visionary. Fiction like Microserfs contrasted a fiefdom at Microsoft with an idealistic, communal life in a startup in Silicon Valley.


If attire defines a personality by even a fraction, Jobs won it. Think of Gates, it’s just another entrepreneur in suit. Jobs would wear smart casuals and make an appeal of being the cooler guy.

Steve Jobs is COOL!

 Steve Jobs is COOL!
Like the popular Apple commercial, the public perception is that Steve Jobs is artistic/cool whereas Bill Gates is nice and geeky, according to Mickey Lin, a Quora user. Also, Steve Jobs is a born marketer with lines like, "Computers are like bicycles for our mind." He's able to explain technically challenging material and make it accessible.

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