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  4. Wuhan coronavirus has killed over 100 people. Here are all the countries warning against travel to China.

Wuhan coronavirus has killed over 100 people. Here are all the countries warning against travel to China.

US State Department

Wuhan coronavirus has killed over 100 people. Here are all the countries warning against travel to China.

US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC on Monday recommended that people avoid all "nonessential travel" to China due to the disease and raised its alert to a level three.

CDC recommends travelers avoid all nonessential travel to #China due to the ongoing #2019nCoV (#coronavirus) outbreak. The outbreak is growing and there is limited access to adequate medical care in affected areas.

— CDC Travel Health (@CDCtravel) January 27, 2020



Canada's government on Monday warned citizens to avoid all travel to Hubei, including the cities of Wuhan, Huanggang and Ezhou, due to the virus.

Source: The Canadian Government

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office on Monday advised against all travel to Hubei Province, and told those in the region to leave.

"If you're in this area and able to leave, you should do so," it said.

Source: UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office



France's Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs on Friday advised citizens not to travel to Hubei province.

It recommended travelers postpone trips to the province of Hubei, also citing travel bans in the region.

Source: France's Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs



India's health ministry on Saturday issued a travel advisory to those visiting China, warning that all non-essential travel should be avoided.

The #HealthMinistry on Saturday issued a travel advisory to those visiting #China from #India or coming back from there in the wake of the outbreak of the contagious #novelCoronavirus.

Photos: Ministry of Health

— IANS Tweets (@ians_india) January 25, 2020

New Zealand

New Zealand

New Zealand on Monday advised citizens to refrain from travelling to Hubei province.

Source: New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry



Finland's foreign ministry issued an advisory on Monday warning citizens against travelling to Hubei province.

Source: Yle (a Finnish public service media company)



On Sunday The Association of Egyptian Travel Agencies banned all tourism flights to and from China "until further notice."

Osama Munir told Egypt today that the decision could be damaging for tourism industry revenues because 10% of all inbound tourism out of China goes to Egypt.

Source: Egypt Today



On Tuesday, the Australian government said "do not travel to Hubei Province" and asked Australians to reconsider their need to travel to China altogether.

Source: Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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