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What I've learned about being a successful 'power couple' from running a multi-six-figure business while also being married to an entrepreneur

My husband and I were that couple, living in Bali, sipping coconuts poolside at our villa, building empires from our laptops, jet-setting to Europe every summer ...

What I've learned about being a successful 'power couple' from running a multi-six-figure business while also being married to an entrepreneur

Whether you are already part of a 'power couple' or aspire to be so someday, consider my story to ensure the most sustainable success of both your business and your relationship

Whether you are already part of a
  • DO define your roles. The most surefire way to breed resentment in your relationship? Treat your partner like free labor or an always-available virtual assistant. Making time to communicate roles and responsibilities — including how much support you each need and how much you are able and willing to give — can eliminate future fighting and resentment.
  • DO discuss the role social media will play in your lives. As I learned very quickly, just because one of you is comfortable sharing your entire private life on Instagram does not mean you both are. Talk about your comfort levels with social media and how much your relationship is going to be featured across your various channels. Then, respect that boundary.
  • DON'T put the spectacle of your relationship above your actual relationship. In this social media-obsessed world, it can be tempting to view your private moments as aspirational content for your brand. This is not always a bad thing: Just ensure you both make clear agreements about what (and how much) to share. Never assume that what you notice about your partner or relationship is fair game for public consumption.
  • DON'T forget to grow together offline. Some of the best moments in my own relationship happen when we are unplugged from work and connected to each other. Set intentional time away from your voicemails, social media, and never-ending emails to just be together. After all, while your relationship might not be the entire foundation of your business, it is certainly an essential pillar of your success.

Financial success and true love can coexist. In fact, they can each work together, mutually supporting one another as you build the life of your dreams. Just be sure to watch out for — and take care of — both.

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