scorecardOf course, how severe the effects are depend on your situation, personality, and history.
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  4. What happens to your body and brain when you're quarantined, and how to cope
  5. Of course, how severe the effects are depend on your situation, personality, and history.

Of course, how severe the effects are depend on your situation, personality, and history.

People who are experiencing coronavirus symptoms and quarantined to their bedrooms are, in all likelihood, going to fare worse than those who feel fine and want to party.

How affected you are by a period of social isolation, or just reduced interactions, is also influenced by your personality.

"If you're a massive extrovert who thrives on social contact" the experience is going to hit harder "than if you're an introvert who's very comfortable curling up on a couch with a book," psychologist Dr. Sherry Benton told Insider.
