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This 26-year-old former truck driver is running for Congress, and he's betting big that TikTok will help get him elected

Collins wants to tell young people that they're 'not crazy.'

This 26-year-old former truck driver is running for Congress, and he's betting big that TikTok will help get him elected

TikTok has been a source of fundraising and volunteers, and Collins is taking a gamble that it'll work so well he won't need to advertise using traditional methods.

TikTok has been a source of fundraising and volunteers, and Collins is taking a gamble that it

The campaign only launched a TikTok in September, but Collins says they receive more volunteers via TikTok than any other platform.

"I interact with a lot of people who've never gone to any meetings, they don't know anything except what they see online," so it's crucial to "reach them with good messaging." And it seems to be working. In addition to volunteers, the campaign has raised about $5,000 through the fundraising link on Instagram and TikTok. That figure isn't huge, but it becomes more impressive considering the young age of most of Collins' TikTok following. Collins told Business Insider that the campaign has raised over $128,000 so far, which mostly goes toward his staff. According to the most recent FEC filings, the campaign had raised over $43,000 by the end of September, and spent about $12,000. Aside from repaying an $800 loan, the rest was categorized as "operating expenditures," which Collins says goes toward paying his staff.

Collins is hopeful that TikTok will be such an effective marketing tool that it will make up for the campaign's lack of ads and mailers. In the short time he's been using the app, Collins has gotten better at using TikTok. Some of his videos have gone semi-viral, which he believes is good for himself and socialist messaging overall, but he also needs to reach his constituents to win. Collins and his team have focused on using "effective hashtags" on videos, like "Washington state," "Olympia," and "Tacoma." TikTok's own locations data makes videos more likely to be seen by people who live nearby, which can lead to more local views.

Collins and his campaign are gambling on TikTok and social media to compensate for a lack of traditional advertising. He made the unusual and potentially risky choice not to spend any money on advertising, which is corroborated by FEC filings. TikTok is still young and untested as an a source of political influence, so it's uncertain whether Collins' gamble will pay off.


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Though the videos are central to his campaign, Collins says his TikToks are all him, not a group effort

Though the videos are central to his campaign, Collins says his TikToks are all him, not a group effort

"Everything I post is 100% me, there's no conversation with the team," Collins told Business Insider about his popular TikToks. Since the campaign isn't spending money on ads, social media is the main way Collins gets his name out, but he still makes all of his videos himself. The most planning that goes into a TikTok, he says, is that sometimes he'll think of an idea and write it down to make later.

Collins says the only help he's had was buying a Ring light, which improves lighting in videos.

Posting is easy for him, because he "grew up using memes and the Internet." Before running for office, Collins says he didn't post much, but he used to browse League of Legends and Reddit all the time.

Collins told Business Insider that he will keep making TikToks if he's elected.


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Sitting politicians tell him to "stop wasting time on social media."

Sitting politicians tell him to "stop wasting time on social media."

Collins says most of the advice he gets from politicians tells him social media is "for kids," and that he should stop wasting time and focus on his campaign. He notes, though, that social media is overwhelmingly where he fund-raises and gets volunteers, so for him, it is campaigning.

It's not as if other politicians can afford to avoid social media, either. "Every politician is making Instagram stories but me," Collins joked, noting that even presidential campaigns have a presence on the app. But Collins says he tries to max out the benefit off each social media platform. TikToks, crucially, can be reposted on Twitter and Facebook, while Instagram stories cannot. His Facebook audience is mostly older people, and rural young people, a group less likely to be exposed to TikTok, so he says they "think I'm the funniest person ever."

In this campaign, Collins appears to be the most active on social media. Gardner and Reeves both have Twitter accounts, but Business Insider was unable to find TikTok accounts associated with any of Collins' competitors.

He understands why some politicians with larger followings might be reluctant to join a more casual platform like TikTok, or engage in memes. "Imagine if Bernie [Sanders] or Liz [Warren] posted a cringe TikTok!" he said. Even he has to be careful of what he posts.

"I can't even go into a Taco Bell without some 17 year old being like 'I saw your TikToks.'"


I can actually win. Whoa. #fyp #socialism#communism #bernie #bernie2020 #berniesanders #anarchy #transrights #dsa #washingtoncheck #wa

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