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The worst countries for gender equality

15. Qatar — This country has never elected a woman to parliament.

The worst countries for gender equality

14. Turkey — The vast majority of legislators, senior officials, and managers in this country are men. There are nearly no women in ministerial positions.

14. Turkey — The vast majority of legislators, senior officials, and managers in this country are men. There are nearly no women in ministerial positions.

However, Turkish law mandates equal pay for men and women.

13. Mauritania — Women do not have the same rights as men in marriage or after divorce, and companies are not required to pay men and women the same amount here.

13. Mauritania — Women do not have the same rights as men in marriage or after divorce, and companies are not required to pay men and women the same amount here.

12. The Ivory Coast — In the past 50 years, there has not been a female head of state in this country.

12. The Ivory Coast — In the past 50 years, there has not been a female head of state in this country.

11. Egypt — This country does not have non-discrimination laws in hiring and does not mandate equal pay.

11. Egypt — This country does not have non-discrimination laws in hiring and does not mandate equal pay.

10. Jordan — Women only received the right to vote here in 1974, and there are hardly any women working in ministerial positions today.

10. Jordan — Women only received the right to vote here in 1974, and there are hardly any women working in ministerial positions today.

9. Morocco — Daughters do not have inheritance rights in this country, and there have been no female heads of state to date.

9. Morocco — Daughters do not have inheritance rights in this country, and there have been no female heads of state to date.

8. Lebanon — There are nearly no women working in parliament or ministerial positions in this country.

8. Lebanon — There are nearly no women working in parliament or ministerial positions in this country.

7. Saudi Arabia — Women could only vote and enroll in municipal elections starting in 2015. In June 2018, they will be permitted to drive for the first time.

7. Saudi Arabia — Women could only vote and enroll in municipal elections starting in 2015. In June 2018, they will be permitted to drive for the first time.

6. Mali — In this country, women only have partial rights to land use, control, and ownership.

6. Mali — In this country, women only have partial rights to land use, control, and ownership.

5. Iran — Women have just partial access to financial services here.

5. Iran — Women have just partial access to financial services here.

4. Chad — Women in this country are much less likely to be literate or educated than men.

4. Chad — Women in this country are much less likely to be literate or educated than men.

3. Syria — The vast majority of Syria's workforce and those with political power are male.

3. Syria — The vast majority of Syria

2. Pakistan — This country does not have anti-discrimination hiring laws, nor does it require equal pay.

2. Pakistan — This country does not have anti-discrimination hiring laws, nor does it require equal pay.

1. Yemen — This country has no women in parliament and has never had a female head of state. The law does not mandate equal pay, and women only have partial access to financial services.

1. Yemen — This country has no women in parliament and has never had a female head of state. The law does not mandate equal pay, and women only have partial access to financial services.

Yemen also ranked as the country with the widest gender gap in 2016.

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