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The Marine Corps just retired its 14th Chesty mascot - here's why the Corps loves English bulldogs

The Battle of Belleau Wood began on June 6, 1918, about a dozen miles northeast of Paris. US General John J. Pershing ordered a counteroffensive to drive the Germans out of the area, with US Marines leading the first attack against four German divisions. By the end of the day, they had taken 1,000 casualties.

The Marine Corps just retired its 14th Chesty mascot - here's why the Corps loves English bulldogs

For three weeks, the Marines launched several more assaults against the German lines, which were continually reinforced. On June 26, the Marines had beaten back the Germans from the northern part of Belleau Wood. But they had taken nearly 10,000 casualties as well.

For three weeks, the Marines launched several more assaults against the German lines, which were continually reinforced. On June 26, the Marines had beaten back the Germans from the northern part of Belleau Wood. But they had taken nearly 10,000 casualties as well.

Because of the Marines' fierce fighting, the Germans were said to have dubbed them, "devil dogs.” But this was later debunked by Marine Corps historian Bob Aquilana.

Because of the Marines

“The term very likely was first used by Marines themselves and appeared in print before the Battle for Belleau Wood,” Aquilina told Stars and Stripes in 2011. “It gained notoriety in the decades following World War I and has since become a part of Marine Corps tradition.”

Nevertheless, the nickname continued to be printed on recruiting posters after the war. One thing was added alongside it: a growling English bulldog. And this is what led to the first Marine mascot, Sgt. Maj. Jiggs.

Nevertheless, the nickname continued to be printed on recruiting posters after the war. One thing was added alongside it: a growling English bulldog. And this is what led to the first Marine mascot, Sgt. Maj. Jiggs.

In 1921, Marine Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler adopted Jiggs, who later became the Corps' official mascot in October 1922.

In 1921, Marine Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler adopted Jiggs, who later became the Corps

Butler himself, a two-time Medal of Honor recipient and author of "War is a Racket," is still well-regarded among Marines to this day.

Source: Task & Purpose

Before Jiggs passed away in January 1927, the Corps continued the new English bulldog mascot tradition, ushering in the successor, Jiggs II.

Before Jiggs passed away in January 1927, the Corps continued the new English bulldog mascot tradition, ushering in the successor, Jiggs II.

Over the next three decades, the Corps' mascot would be named Smedley, after the famed Marine general. But in the late 1950s, the mascot was renamed Chesty after the legendary Marine, Lt. Gen. Lewis “Chesty” Puller.

Over the next three decades, the Corps

Puller himself was also highly decorated, like Butler, earning five Navy crosses. But despite two attempts to upgrade one of his awards, he never received the Medal of Honor.

Source: Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines

For the next six decades, there would be 14 more official mascots named Chesty, and they all fulfilled their duties.

For the next six decades, there would be 14 more official mascots named Chesty, and they all fulfilled their duties.

Such as attending parades...

Such as attending parades...



And participating in morale-boosting activities.

And participating in morale-boosting activities.

They even went through basic training.

They even went through basic training.

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