6. Madagascar
Number of jobs created per 100 visitors: 93
Number of tourist arrivals in 2018: 291,000 (The World Bank)
Tourism as a percentage of GDP: 15.7% (Knoema)
5. Ethiopia
Number of jobs created per 100 visitors: 99
Number of tourist arrivals in 2017: 933,000 (The World Bank)
Tourism as a percentage of GDP: 9.4% (Knoema)
4. Venezuela
Number of jobs created per 100 visitors: 101
Number of tourist arrivals in 2017: 427,000 (The World Bank)
Tourism as a percentage of GDP: 9.7% (Knoema)
3. Pakistan
Number of jobs created per 100 visitors: 154
Number of tourist arrivals in 2012: 966,000 (The World Bank)
Tourism as a percentage of GDP: 7.1% (Knoema)
2. India
Number of jobs created per 100 visitors: 172
Number of tourist arrivals in 2017: 15,543,000 (The World Bank)
Tourism as a percentage of GDP: 9.2% (Knoema)
1. Bangladesh
Number of jobs created per 100 visitors: 944
Number of tourist arrivals in 2017: 1,026,000 (The World Bank)
Tourism as a percentage of GDP: 4.4% (Knoema)