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13 things you should do now to maintain your car while coronavirus lockdowns park it indefinitely

1. Keep the battery charged by driving your car once per week

13 things you should do now to maintain your car while coronavirus lockdowns park it indefinitely

2. Do the same to keep your car's moving parts lubricated

2. Do the same to keep your car

Driving a vehicle regularly not only keeps the battery charged, but also prevents the engine and other mechanicals from drying out. If a car sits for too long, oil starts to settle, fluids begin to separate, and seals can begin to dry out, which, according to Montoya, can cause damage to your vehicle.

Taking your car out for a brief drive helps to keep fluids circulating and ensures all the moving parts — the transmission, brakes, and so on — stay well lubricated. That's one major reason that going out for a drive is superior to simply idling your car in the driveway.

As for how often to drive your vehicle, Kosilla said once a week "is amazing, but once every two weeks is totally fine."

"When you get into three or four weeks [without driving], there's a whole host of things that can go wrong," Kosilla added.

3. Driving also helps you avoid flat spots

3. Driving also helps you avoid flat spots

Tires lose pressure over time, and if a car sits for too long, the weight of the vehicle can cause flat spots to develop where the rubber meets the road. Tires with flat spots may need to be tossed out and swapped for new ones, so car owners should do what they can to avoid that headache.

Fortunately, a weekly driving schedule to keep your battery charged and components moving should also help avoid potential flat spots.

4. Consider using a trickle charger

4. Consider using a trickle charger

A trickle charger — a device that plugs into a standard wall socket and attaches to a car battery's terminals — is a great option for keeping a vehicle's battery charged if it can't be driven regularly, Kosilla and Montoya said. Batteries tend to drain especially quickly in high-end sports cars like Porsches, Kosilla added, making a trickle charger an important investment anyway.

13 things you should do now to maintain your car while coronavirus lockdowns park it indefinitely

13 things you should do now to maintain your car while coronavirus lockdowns park it indefinitely

Keeping your battery charged and your car moving regularly are the most important measures to take if you're driving infrequently in the near term. However, if you want to be extra careful, or you anticipate that you'll be driving rarely for an extended period of time — perhaps several weeks or months — consider following these additional steps:

5. Choose your parking spot wisely

5. Choose your parking spot wisely

Parking long term on a soft, permeable surface like grass or dirt allows moisture to travel up into your car's undercarriage, causing rust. Finding a spot on pavement is ideal, but gravel is still a decent second choice, Kosilla said.

Montoya suggests owners heed signage, park in a safe area, and avoid leaving valuable items in their vehicle for long periods of time.

6. Be mindful of what you park beneath

6. Be mindful of what you park beneath

"If you park under the wrong tree, you're screwed," Kosilla said. According to Kosilla, parking under a tree that drips sap can be "an absolute crazy nightmare" for a car's paint job — especially if the paint is hot, which makes it softer and more prone to damage.

Likewise, Kosilla said, "bird poop is an absolute disaster" and can damage a car's paint within hours.

"It's like pouring acid on a car," Kosilla said.

So, if at all possible, avoid stashing your car under sap-prone trees or in places where birds are known to congregate.

7. Top off your tank

7. Top off your tank

The benefits of filling up on gas before parking long term are twofold. White and Montoya said topping off prevents condensation from accumulating inside the tank, and and Kosilla mentioned that it also stops gasoline fumes from building up to hazardous levels.

Although it's probably overkill, you can use fuel stabilizer to extend the life of your gasoline and prevent it from degrading over time, White said.

Not to mention, gas is cheap right now, and a full tank may offer peace of mind in uncertain times — just remember to sanitize your hands after touching the gas pump, since it can be extremely dirty.

8. Don't use the parking brake

8. Don

Leaving the parking brake on for an extended period of time can cause the brake pads and rotor to stick or fuse together. More often than not, Kosilla said, this isn't a big issue, but it's something to be avoided.

Moisture is what causes the parking brake to stick, so avoid engaging it if it just rained, Montoya said.

9. Consider using a car cover

9. Consider using a car cover

A cover can protect your paint from the elements, so long as you clean your car thoroughly before putting it on. Kosilla said putting a cover on a dirty car can do more harm than good, since the cover can rub and abrade your paint over time.

10. Wax and seal to protect your paint

10. Wax and seal to protect your paint

If you want to go the extra mile in protecting your paint, wax and seal your car before putting it away. That'll prolong the longevity of the paint, even in the face of dust, twigs, and other contaminants.

If you're not going to spring for a car cover, Kosilla said waxing and sealing is the next best thing.

"If you're not going to put a windbreaker on it, at least put on an undershirt," Kosilla said.

10. Be wary of rodents that may take up residence in your vehicle

10. Be wary of rodents that may take up residence in your vehicle

Depending on where you live, your car may become a rodent motel if it sits neglected for too long. Multiple experts Business Insider spoke to say to put rodent repellent in your garage and clean your car of any food scraps to prevent unwanted visitors.

12. Keep up your normal maintenance schedule

12. Keep up your normal maintenance schedule

"Even though most people are driving less these days, they should still try to keep up a preventative maintenance schedule," White said.

White also said to continue changing oil at the proper time intervals and to regularly check your car's brakes.

13. Once you start driving more frequently, give your car a visual once-over

13. Once you start driving more frequently, give your car a visual once-over

After driving your car every so often for months, it's a good idea to briefly inspect your vehicle to make sure it's still roadworthy. Check the tire pressure, oil and coolant levels, and go easy on the brakes on your first couple of drives.

It's common sense, Kosilla said, but: "Don't start it up and do 100 miles per hour. Ease into it."

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