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Shifting Gears: Thanksgiving travel headaches, Amazon's trucking rates revealed, and Ford stares down Tesla.

Amazon's trucking rates revealed

Shifting Gears: Thanksgiving travel headaches, Amazon's trucking rates revealed, and Ford stares down Tesla.

Thanksgiving travel nightmares.

Thanksgiving travel nightmares.

It's upon us: one of the busiest travel days of the year.

Headaches started out early, as two winter storms — one for each coast — threatened to snarl air traffic throughout the country. From there, things only got worse.

United passengers reported difficulty logging into the airline's app and website Tuesday afternoon, as many began to pack up and head to the airports. And for some of those customers, if they happened to be heading to Oakland, California, faced even more delays thanks to a mysterious blackout at the airport that lasted hours.

Airline reporter David Slotnick has everything you need to know about flight delays, cancellations, and what do do if they happen to you.

Ford isn't scared of Tesla's Cybertruck

Ford isn

After Elon Musk showed off a video of Tesla's new electric pickup handily beating an F-150 in tugs-of-war, Ford has doubled down on its challenge.

"Bring it on," Musk tweeted in response to a Ford executive who suggested the challenge might not have been fair, and wanted an "apples-to-apples" rematch.

Even famous scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson weighed in, sparring with Musk about torque, towing capabilities, traction, and more when it came to the showdown. But as Matt DeBord points out, nobody should care if the Tesla truck can beat the F-150. Here's why.

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