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Nintendo's new Netflix-like service for classic games is a shattering disappointment, but it's so inexpensive that you should try it anyway

1. The list of games is paltry.

Nintendo's new Netflix-like service for classic games is a shattering disappointment, but it's so inexpensive that you should try it anyway

2. The games that are included aren't especially thrilling.

2. The games that are included aren

The list of launch games on Nintendo Switch Online is padded out with stuff like "Soccer," "Tennis," and "Ice Hockey." Nothing against sports games, but these aren't particularly iconic choices for the launch list.

The inclusion of the original "Mario Bros" is similarly puzzling — the series didn't take off in popularity until "Super Mario Bros." (seen above). "Mario Bros." is ... it's not very good. There's no nice way to say that: It just isn't very fun to play.

Nintendo fans are better served by the other two "Super Mario Bros." games included on the list ("Super Mario Bros." and "Super Mario Bros. 3").

3. The addition of online functionality to games is extremely limited.

3. The addition of online functionality to games is extremely limited.

More than just putting NES games on the Switch, Nintendo Switch Online adds online multiplayer functionality. In two-player games, you can compete with a friend. In single-player games, you can switch off with a friend. In co-op games, you can play together with a friend.

The language I'm using there — "with a friend" — is crucial, as you're only able to play with people you've previously added to your Nintendo Switch Friend List. There's no way to find an online game of, say, "Balloon Fight" with a stranger. You're only able to play with people on your Friend List.

It's something many Nintendo fans are used to dealing with. It's also ridiculous in 2018 that the most iconic video game company in the world isn't providing online matchmaking services — especially in the context of this being a paid online service.

4. There's an awkward online sign-in requirement.

4. There

Part of the promise of Nintendo Switch Online's classic games library is being able to take those games with you anywhere. "Super Mario Bros. 3" on the subway! "Double Dragon" at Aunt Linda's house!

But the Nintendo Switch requires an online "handshake" with Nintendo's servers once every seven days to verify you're still a paying subscriber. "These games can be played offline for up to 7 days as long as you have an active Nintendo Switch Online membership," Nintendo says in an FAQ. If you're going away for longer than one week with your Switch, and you don't have access to WiFi, say goodbye to those NES classics.

Admittedly, it's not that big of a deal — but it's an awkward requirement that reflects Nintendo's insecurity about piracy.

5. The service otherwise operates almost exactly like Nintendo's "Classic Edition" consoles do — for better and worse.

5. The service otherwise operates almost exactly like Nintendo

Each game in the Nintendo Switch Online classic games library has four "save state" slots. What that means in human speak is that you're able to save at any spot in any of the games, with four different saves per game, and return to that same spot later on exactly as you left it.

Think of it as a way to save a paused game. It's very useful!

Nintendo's first use of the save state concept was in its miniaturized "Classic Edition" consoles, starting with NES Classic Edition. In fact, much of the Nintendo Switch Online classic gaming library operates exactly like the Classic Edition consoles do.

As you can see above, there are options to select different display resolutions for the games — since the NES is from a time where TVs weren't high-definition, ultra-wide affairs, it has a few different display options. It's a nice inclusion alongside the save states.

What would be even nicer would be some nod to the "classic" nature of these games — original instruction manuals, access to their soundtracks, and original artwork to name a few things.

This is all the information you get:

None of that stuff is required, but just imagine if Nintendo treated this service like an interactive museum for classic games!

All that said, if you own a Switch, you obviously should pay for this service for one reason: It's incredibly inexpensive.

All that said, if you own a Switch, you obviously should pay for this service for one reason: It

At just $20 for a full year, Nintendo Switch Online is a pretty big no-brainer. If it were just $10 more, it would be a much harder sell.

But, at $20 annually, and with a 7-day free trial, it's hard to say no.

That's just $1 per game, and that's before Nintendo adds more games to the service — the company says it's adding three NES games per month through the end of the year, bringing the total up to 29 games by 2019.

What about Super Nintendo games? Game Boy games? Perhaps Nintendo 64? None of that has been announced thus far. Nintendo is certainly capable of releasing digital versions of those platforms — the company previously sold classic games a la carte through its "Virtual Console" service on several different Nintendo platforms. Whether or not it will is another question. It remains to be seen.

What about the other stuff you get with Nintendo Switch Online?

What about the other stuff you get with Nintendo Switch Online?

For $20/year, Nintendo Switch Online offers a few different things:

1. Online multiplayer access.

2. The NES classic games service.

3. The ability to upload game saves to Nintendo's cloud.

4. A smartphone app for voice chat.

5. Access to "special offers" like the ability to buy these wireless NES gamepads.

If you're big into playing "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe" online, or are worried about losing save data if your Switch breaks, it's worth it to pay for Nintendo Switch Online. That stuff works exactly as you'd expect.

But, realistically speaking, most people are going to pay for this to access the instant library of NES games. And, thus far, it's extremely underwhelming — but it's so inexpensive that it's impossible to say no. Touché, Nintendo.

Get a closer look at Nintendo Switch Online from Nintendo directly in this brief video:

Get a closer look at Nintendo Switch Online from Nintendo directly in this brief video:

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