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Nintendo is about to start charging $20/year for online features on the Switch console - here's how its service stacks up against PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
Nintendo is about to start charging $20/year for online features on the Switch console - here's how its service stacks up against PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
Sep 17, 2018, 23:01 IST
Nintendo Switch Online: the price is low, but at what cost?
PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold share the same pricing.
Switch Online launches with 20 NES games, with more classics to be released each month.
Xbox Live Gold and PlayStation Plus already offer free games every month.
The Nintendo Switch App is still a requirement for proper online play.
Xbox Live and PlayStation Network offer game-specific community hubs.
PlayStation Plus includes a Share Play feature to share your screen or controller with a friend online.
Nintendo is offering cloud saves for some, but not all, games.
The verdict: Nintendo is still playing catch-up with its online service.