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My partner and I saved up $38,500 so we could quit our jobs and become digital nomads. Here's how we saved, budgeted, and found remote work on the road as we traveled to 40 different countries.
My partner and I saved up $38,500 so we could quit our jobs and become digital nomads. Here's how we saved, budgeted, and found remote work on the road as we traveled to 40 different countries.
Apr 7, 2020, 18:29 IST
We spent the first year getting used to life on the road and growing our travel Instagram
Soon, we were able to develop barter deals with hotels and restaurants
We learned it's important to keep costs low, and think of new ways to make money
At the start of year 2, we decided to put more effort into our business
But not having a permanent home was starting to take a toll on us
Having a home base can definitely be worth the extra cost
In year 3, we began to see our hard work start to pay off
By year 4, it was time for a pivot, so we started slowing down
It wasn't a decision that we took lightly
We became more flexible and open to new adventures
There is always a way to make it work — as long as you are willing to find it