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  4. Italy, home to more than 60 million people, is on lockdown. All shops are closed. Here's how the coronavirus crisis there has unfolded.

Italy, home to more than 60 million people, is on lockdown. All shops are closed. Here's how the coronavirus crisis there has unfolded.

It took only four days for Italy to become the focal point of Europe's coronavirus crisis.

Italy, home to more than 60 million people, is on lockdown. All shops are closed. Here's how the coronavirus crisis there has unfolded.

Entire towns were locked down and public gatherings were canceled in a bid to control the spread of the virus.

Entire towns were locked down and public gatherings were canceled in a bid to control the spread of the virus.

The government put almost a dozen towns — those in which the most coronavirus cases were reported — on lockdown on February 23, affecting an estimated 50,000 people. The two most infected regions were Lombardy and Veneto in the north, where the popular cities of Milan and Venice are located.

Major landmarks were closed, the annual Venice Carnival was canceled, Giorgio Armani held its runway show at Milan Fashion Week in an empty theater, and soccer fans were notably absent from games.

Gripped by fear, people began to panic-buy necessities.

Gripped by fear, people began to panic-buy necessities.

By February 26, 12 people had died of the coronavirus in Italy.

As the streets of Italy emptied, but so did shops. People began to line up outside stores and stockpile face masks, groceries, toilet paper, and other essentials, cleaning out shelves.

Italy was teetering on the edge of a recession before the coronavirus outbreak, and the recent developments are expected to compound its economic woes.

Italy was teetering on the edge of a recession before the coronavirus outbreak, and the recent developments are expected to compound its economic woes.

The coronavirus outbreak is thrashing Italy's already-weak economy. The tourism and luxury industries have been severely hit as countries issue travel warnings to prevent people from traveling to Italy, which is typically a popular tourist destination.

Italy decided to lock down nearly a quarter of its population on March 8 as it raced to better control the coronavirus outbreak.

Italy decided to lock down nearly a quarter of its population on March 8 as it raced to better control the coronavirus outbreak.

The Italian government decided to shut down its northern region of Lombardy and 14 neighboring provinces to try to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

The quarantine, which was expected to last until April 3, came as Italy's coronavirus cases approached 6,000 and its death toll surpassed 230. Nicola Zingaretti, the leader of the country's Democratic party, was among the thousands who tested positive for COVID-19.

Schools, museums, theaters, and swimming pools across the country were shut down, and violating the restrictions would be considered a criminal offense, Conte said.

But plans of that shutdown leaked before it went into effect, triggering a mass exodus.

But plans of that shutdown leaked before it went into effect, triggering a mass exodus.

News of the impending closure leaked ahead of time, prompting thousands of panic-stricken people to try and flee parts of northern Italy, starting on March 7.

Roberto Burioni, a professor of virology at Milan's Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, told The Guardian that the leak triggered unnecessary travel as people rushed south.

"Unfortunately some of those who fled will be infected with the disease," he said.

By that point, the death toll had already exceeded 360.

Dozens of prison inmates rioted and escaped after news that jail visits would be limited or suspended as part of the containment measures.

Dozens of prison inmates rioted and escaped after news that jail visits would be limited or suspended as part of the containment measures.

The government's strict restrictions, paired with an awareness that inmates are closely packed and vulnerable to viruses, sparked unrest in 27 prisons across Italy on March 8 and 9.

Six inmates died of a methadone overdose after breaking into a Modena prison infirmary during the commotion. Others in Milan's San Vittore prison attacked guards and climbed onto the roof, where they held up a painted sheet reading "Indulto," which means "pardon."

Outside some prisons, inmates' relatives also clashed with police.

An additional surge of coronavirus cases forced Conte to announce the unprecedented measure of a nationwide lockdown.

An additional surge of coronavirus cases forced Conte to announce the unprecedented measure of a nationwide lockdown.

Italy announced a sweeping national quarantine on March 9; it restricted the movement of people in, out, and even within the country in a bid to halt the coronavirus' relentless spread.

By that point, over 9,000 people had contracted the illness and over 460 were dead.

"All the measure of the red zones are now extended to all of the national territory," Conte said at a press conference. He announced a "stay at home" policy, a 6 p.m. curfew, and a ban on public gatherings.

Schools, museums, theaters, and swimming pools throughout Italy were closed, and weddings and funerals halted. Mortgage payments were suspended, entire towns were sealed off, and Italy's popular tourist destinations now sit eerily silent.

On its first day of that quarantine, Italy recorded its highest leap in fatalities in a single day: 168 new coronavirus deaths were reported there on Tuesday.

On its first day of that quarantine, Italy recorded its highest leap in fatalities in a single day: 168 new coronavirus deaths were reported there on Tuesday.

That jump pushed Italy's death toll past 630. Meanwhile, the number of infections crossed the 10,000 mark.

Italy's number of infections and deaths are second only to China's.

Italy's prime minister used Facebook Live to issue a nationwide closure of all shops on Wednesday.


The shuttering of stores has left people to fend for themselves with only the help of grocery stores and markets, which remain open.

Police are fining people who get caught trying to enter or leave the outbreak areas in Italy. Public transit is being disinfected every day.

The number of coronavirus cases in Italy has topped 12,500.

Amid a lack of resources, overwhelmed Italian doctors are facing impossible choices as they decide whom to save.

Amid a lack of resources, overwhelmed Italian doctors are facing impossible choices as they decide whom to save.

As the number of coronavirus patients continues to rise in Italy, anesthesiologists and doctors describe being forced to make impossible choices about whom to treat first.

As things stand, young and otherwise healthy patients are being prioritized because of their heightened chances of survival.

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