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  4. I'm a veteran, professor, and nonprofit founder. This Veteran's Day, here's what managers should know about hiring veterans.

I'm a veteran, professor, and nonprofit founder. This Veteran's Day, here's what managers should know about hiring veterans.

Yet misperceptions of veterans persist

I'm a veteran, professor, and nonprofit founder. This Veteran's Day, here's what managers should know about hiring veterans.

There’s more work to be done around veteran mental health and employment

There’s more work to be done around veteran mental health and employment

It's sadly true that the suicide rate for veterans continues to be significantly higher than the rate of non-veterans. Male veterans commit suicide 1.3 times more than other adult men. It's even worse for female veterans; they commit suicide 2.2 times the rate for other adult women.

Every day about 20 US veterans commit suicide. Every year since 2008, the number of veteran suicide deaths has exceeded 6,000 — even as the total number of veterans dropped. That should be unacceptable to all of us.

In 10 years, we've substantially reduced veteran unemployment. In the next 10 years, let's endeavor to reduce the veteran suicide rate.

Medical professionals need to do a better job of identifying high-risk individuals and provide them with immediate and sustained treatment. That won't be easy and it may require legislation to expand veteran services and to reduce the cost of care.

Businesses need to continue to hire veterans and to assist them with the transition from the military to the civilian workplace. Veterans are accustomed to a clear power structure and receiving and giving orders. Managers should help veterans understand the culture and the most effective way to interact with colleagues up and down the organizational chain.

As a society, we need to foster a better sense of community among our veterans. Little things can make a big difference. Businesses like golf courses, bowling alleys, or sports teams can sponsor veteran events. Many already do — but more would help.

While most employers are happy to hire veterans, they should examine what may be their own unconscious biases regarding the types of jobs that are suitable for veterans. Many veterans are fully capable of interacting with customers and working on and leading teams.

We owe it to our veterans to get them the medical help and social support systems they need and jobs that fully utilize their capabilities. It's not a Democrat or Republican issue. It's simply the right thing to do.

After completing his MD at 25 years old and serving one of the longest military combat tours by a physician since World War II, Dr. Bose loves teaching others how to defy limits to accelerate achievement and impact. He is currently an emergency medicine physician and professor based in Texas and Chicago, and is the co-founder of several leading medical-tech companies. Learn more at

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