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How to know when it's time to break up with your partner, according to dating experts

1. The future doesn't look so bright

How to know when it's time to break up with your partner, according to dating experts

2. You don't recognize who you've become

2. You don

True of any partnership, romantic or otherwise, we often change our habits, mannerisms, and even personality based on who we're spending time with. But while a little of that is fine, Smith told me, "If you no longer recognize yourself, and don't like who you've become, it's time to seriously shake up your routine and take a hard look at your relationship."

Importantly, if your partner "doesn't see the value in investing in yourselves to be better, it's probably time to break up," added Smith.

3. You're over them

3. You

This one might seem obvious, but it might be more difficult to recognize than it seems. It could look like choosing to hang out with your friends over your partner, Ziegler told me.

But that could become more serious, Smith said, to the extent that "you're beginning to disregard their feelings because you're exhausted by them, or finding it difficult to care."

That's a pretty good sign it's time to break up, especially if you "no longer want to support your partner emotionally or have sex with them," Smith added.

4. The conversation well has dried up

4. The conversation well has dried up

If you run out of things to talk about, "or don't find what they have to say all that interesting, your relationship may have run its course," Smith told me.

On that note, you might find yourself dissatisfied with your partner's interests and hobbies, Ziegler told me. "A partnership is togetherness," Ziegler said, and "if you find yourself unable to partake in your SO's hobbies or vice versa, it's time to rethink this courtship and part ways."

5. You're fighting for no reason

5. You

If you're "finding it increasingly difficult to see the good in them, and you often find yourself seeking out conflict, or rehashing the same fights over and over," it's time to take a hard look at your relationship, Smith said.

She added this nugget of wisdom: "The reality is, if there is more bad than good in your relationship, there is probably something much better out there waiting for you."

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