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  4. Hey Facebook, about the new logo: All caps are ugly, shouty, and anti-Gen-Z

Hey Facebook, about the new logo: All caps are ugly, shouty, and anti-Gen-Z

The new logo is an affront to millennial and Gen-Z sensibilities. All-caps is often read as shouting or aggressive — the last thing I need is Facebook shouting at me.

Hey Facebook, about the new logo: All caps are ugly, shouty, and anti-Gen-Z

While you don't necessarily have to write FACEBOOK every time you refer to Facebook's portfolio — which includes services like WhatsApp and Instagram — the all-caps logo will appear on any app that comes from Facebook.

While you don

The core Facebook app and the company's name will continue to be written as before, but the new all-caps logo will appear prominently on the other services provided by the social media giant, according to Facebook's announcement of the branding shift.

So when you log into networks like Instagram or WhatsApp, you will see FACEBOOK screamed at you (albeit colorfully) at the bottom of your screen.

In the announcement, Facebook says the new logo was "designed for clarity." But typographers say that lowercase is the way to go when it comes to clarity.

Butterick writes that lowercase letters "create a varied visual contour that helps our brain recognize words."

"ALL-CAPS FILL THE SPACE, so there's an element of feeling that the message is crowding out everything else," Luna told the New Republic.


For a company that's often mired in controversy, you'd think that Facebook wouldn't want to crowd out the content of popular apps with its ALL-CAPS LOGO.

With female Gen-Zers already reaching tech fatigue — both skeptical of and inextricably tied to the technology they've grown up with — it doesn't seem all too wise to "crowd out" everything else with that logo.

We turn to apps like Instagram to scroll away our existential fears. Sure, maybe it's mining my data, but at least I'm seeing fun astrology memes.

But it seems like a cruel joke to see FACEBOOK blazing at the bottom of my screen whenever I go to my login screen or change my settings.

Perhaps it's the ultimate millennial/Gen-Z metaphor: The wider issue — Facebook, with all its controversies and pitfalls — is always lurking underneath, even when you just wanted to go follow your friend's dog. Now, even the things the Internet positions as escapist are emblazoned with a logo that reminds you of who, exactly, your scrolling is beholden to.

Here's to hoping that Gen-Zers "Ok boomer" the new logo. Or just maybe, we'll finally be able to log off for good.

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