It will have "crazy" torque, two motors, all-wheel drive, and a suspension able to adjust to the load the vehicle is hauling.
Musk said in 2018 that the above features would be standard.
Source: Twitter
You'll be able to plug power tools into it.
"Pickup truck will have power outlets allowing use of heavy duty 240V, high power tools in field all day. No generator needed," Musk tweeted in 2018.
Source: Twitter
It will outperform a Porsche 911 and a Ford F-150.
It will have a range of at least 400 miles.
Musk said in 2018 that the pickup truck will have a range of at least 400 to 500 miles.
Source: Twitter
It will be able to tow 300,000 pounds.
This may be the most aggressive claim Musk has made about the pickup truck. A 2020 Ford F-150 can tow up to 13,200 pounds.
Source: Twitter
It will look like "an armored personnel carrier from the future."
Musk has hinted on multiple occasions that the truck will have an unusual design. He has cited the movie "Blade Runner" as a reference point for the truck.
Source: Twitter, Recode
It will have a driver's seat big enough for a professional wrestler.
Musk said in 2018 that the truck's driver's seat will be big enough to have fit the late professional wrestler Andre the Giant.
Source: Twitter