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Costco employees share 21 things they'd love to tell shoppers, but can't

Have your membership card ready at the door

Costco employees share 21 things they'd love to tell shoppers, but can't

Pick up after yourselves

Pick up after yourselves

"Sample cups all over the floor? Don't be rude. Clean after yourself." — A Costco employee from Arizona

Put back items you've picked up

Put back items you

"Please put back that item that you just threw there. It doesn’t belong there." — A Costco worker from California

Be smart with your money

Be smart with your money

"Some sales aren't sales!" — A Costco employee in Illinois

Drop your sense of entitlement

Drop your sense of entitlement

"I'm an executive member, too. It doesn't make you more special than me." — A Costco employee from Ohio

No one cares if you threaten to take your business elsewhere

No one cares if you threaten to take your business elsewhere

"Being a 'member' does not make you special and I don't care if you never come back." — A Costco worker based in Nebraska

The customer's not always right

The customer

"Yes, you pay for a membership, but it doesn't mean you are entitled to anything or that you are always right." — A Costco employee from Arizona

Don't blame employees for things they can't change


"What you're complaining about is likely above the pay grade of everyone in this building." — A Costco worker in California

Be patient

Be patient

"Please be patient, especially on the weekends! We can only move so fast. And there are far more members than employees." — A Costco employee in Illinois

If you're not nice, don't expect stellar service

If you

"As soon as you're an a------ to me, I don't care about actually helping you." — A Costco employee in Canada

Don't be selfish


"The people in line behind you are as important as you are." — A Costco employee from Hawaii

Think about your fellow members, too

Think about your fellow members, too

"Act like adults and not spoiled children. Be considerate of fellow members and the employees." — A Costco employee from Washington

Check your coupons before you shop

Check your coupons before you shop

"Pay attention to the coupon book dates." — An employee who said they'd been working at Costco for "too long"

Educate yourself about the store rules before swinging by

Educate yourself about the store rules before swinging by

"You cannot lend your membership card to other people." — A Costco employee from Kentucky

Family cards don't exist at Costco

Family cards don

"No, this isn't a family card. There is no such thing as a family card." — A Costco employee in Florida

Control your kids

Control your kids

"Please, for the love of God, tell your kid to stop screaming." — A Costco worker in Washington

Don't endanger your children


"Quit letting your kids jump around in the basket. It's dangerous." — A Costco employee in Iowa

Put your phone down while you shop

Put your phone down while you shop

"Get off your phone and communicate while checking out. Have your card ready! Members b---- about lines but do nothing to speed up the process." — A Costco employees who's worked in stores in a number of states

Don't leave all the heavy lifting to employees


"Please help us help you! Please get off your phone and help unload the cart onto the belt." — A Costco worker based in Illinois

Lend a helping hand

Lend a helping hand

"Just because I’m helping you unload your cart... doesn't mean you can stop helping me." — A Costco employee in Oregon

And a handful of employees wish they could just lay into some members

And a handful of employees wish they could just lay into some members

"Please bring help with you if you are buying huge items and know that you're physically limited. I've had members arrive with a U-Haul and purchase multiple pieces of furniture that they cannot help load. We are more than happy to help, but prefer you help, too, and not assume we are going to do the moving for you." — A Costco worker in Florida

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