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  4. Building a culture of radical trust is the key to creativity, according to this CEO. Here are 4 ways to foster it.

Building a culture of radical trust is the key to creativity, according to this CEO. Here are 4 ways to foster it.

1. Step way back

Building a culture of radical trust is the key to creativity, according to this CEO. Here are 4 ways to foster it.

2. Don't punish people for failing

2. Don

In a culture of radical trust, failure isn't an offense — it's a possible outcome. This is obviously a tricky one, but if you punish failure, people will quickly learn that taking the initiative isn't worth the risk, and you'll stifle creativity and growth.

3. Have pointless conversations to create real connections

3. Have pointless conversations to create real connections

It can be very easy to fall into a trap where urgency takes over, and every conversation, interaction, or meeting has to fulfill a particular purpose. In order for people to feel you trust them, they need to feel some level of human connection that goes beyond their role. And if an employee believes you see them for more than just their specific role, they will be more likely to think of ways they can step beyond that role and impact the company positively.

4. Encourage people to have an agenda

4. Encourage people to have an agenda

If you've hired well, chances are the talented people at your company have interesting insights and perspectives on where your business is, and where it can go. If you encourage people to have an agenda — and create the space for that agenda to express itself — you'll not only get to leverage their insight, you'll make them realize that their point of view is valuable and can contribute to long-term business success.

Radical trust is risky. But it pays dividends far in excess of the potential risks it brings. In the end, radical trust brings radical results.

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