Fakespot automatically scans product listings to check for counterfeit products and fake reviews.
Fakespot will automatically check product reviews to see if other people have received counterfeit products after ordering. This can be particularly important when checking deals on discounted electronics and clothing, as some sellers might try and ship a non-official product in place of the original.
Fakespot will provide you with common keywords that reviewers used to describe the product, like great, cheap, or quality. The app will also try and determine whether the seller is using fake reviews to boost their rating.
Fakespot also has a browser extension like CamelCamelCamel that will pop up automatically when you visit Amazon and a few other websites, like Best Buy, Walmart, TripAdvisor and Yelp.
While these tools will do most of the work, you'll still have to use your own judgement to make sure you're getting the best deal. Happy shopping!
CamelCamelCamel and Fakespot make it much easier to navigate Amazon's sales, but you'll still need to decide which deals are best for you.