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9 members of Congress who were forced out of office by sexual misconduct scandals

Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, Republican

9 members of Congress who were forced out of office by sexual misconduct scandals

Rep. Elizabeth Esty of Connecticut, Democrat

Rep. Elizabeth Esty of Connecticut, Democrat

Esty announced she wouldn't run for re-election after the Washington Post reported she kept her chief of staff employed for months after learning he had harassed another female staffer and threatened to kill her.

"I know that survivors come first — we need to believe them and support them," Esty said in an apology after the report became public. "We need to include survivors and allies alike in the conversation about how to implement the changes necessary both in Congress and more broadly to prevent this from happening again."

She had served Connecticut's 5th since 2013.

Rep. Ruben Kihuen of Nevada, Democrat

Rep. Ruben Kihuen of Nevada, Democrat

Kihuen announced in December that he wouldn't seek re-election beyond his freshman term after two former colleagues accused him of unwanted sexual advances online and in person.

He initially refused to resign as representative of Nevada's 4th district and denied the allegations.

Rep. Patrick Meehan of Pennsylvania, Republican

Rep. Patrick Meehan of Pennsylvania, Republican

Meehan resigned from Congress in April, and said he planned to reimburse taxpayers $39,000 he used to settle a complaint from a decades-younger former aide who accused him of repeated unwanted romantic advances.

In January, he was removed from the House Ethics Committee and announced he wouldn't seek re-election after The New York Times reported on the settlement. Meehan had represented Pennsylvania's 7th district for four terms.

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