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6 signs you probably can't afford to be a stay-at-home parent

1. You have a high debt-to-income ratio

6 signs you probably can't afford to be a stay-at-home parent

2. You don't have an emergency fund

2. You don

If you don't have an emergency fund to fall back on, you're not ready to have one parent stay home. The reason is simple: Anything could happen, and you'll have to be prepared, especially when your family is relying on one income.

"I like to say that you should have at least six months worth of expenses in a savings account that you know you're not going to touch," says Pak.

An emergency fund is a non-negotiable, and could save you big money down the road if you need it.

3. You'd have to stop saving for retirement

3. You

Whether you're working or not, saving for retirement is a must — you'll always need money to live on when you're older.

Even if you're losing your 401(k), Pak says an IRA is a good place to keep saving. "There's a rule that says that as long as one of the spouses is working, the stay-at-home spouse can create a traditional IRA, regardless of whether they're making money or not," says Pak.

If staying at home and losing one income means that you won't be able to keep saving for retirement, you're probably not ready yet.

4. You'd be living paycheck to paycheck

4. You

Living paycheck-to-paycheck means you won't be able to save for the future, whether that's retirement, emergency savings, or college tuition — or something a little smaller-scale, like a vacation, or a new car.

"With that extra discretionary, you're basically funneling that extra money into these buckets that you categorize on your own," Pak says.

Pak says that families planning to move to living one one income should still consider how they'll save for short-term and long-term financial goals, and how losing one income will affect that.

5. You and your partner haven't had the money talk

5. You and your partner haven

If you haven't' sat down and talked with your partner about what your finances would look like as a single-income household, you're probably not ready to make the jump.

"It starts with just sitting down, you know, sitting down and laying out your big picture, laying out your numbers," says Pak. From pricing out childcare to making a budget for life on one income, if you haven't gone through the scenarios, you're not ready.

It takes a bit of planning, and a lot of work to be on the same page about money, but it's essential for a big decision like this.

6. You can afford childcare, but you can't afford to lose the extra income

6. You can afford childcare, but you can

Childcare is a massive expense for many parents. Insider's Frank Olito reports that in New York, the most expensive state for childcare, the average family will spend over $12,000 per year on childcare.

"I feel like a lot of young parents or even middle-age parents who are continuing to build their family, they're not ready for this," says Pak.

Balancing the costs of childcare against the costs of losing one salary is one thing that can be tough, but each family will know what's right for them. "Your decision really comes down to qualitative versus quantitative," says Pak. Though each family's decision is unique, the signs that it's not right are very similar.

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