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5 legendary political bromances that shaped US history

Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

5 legendary political bromances that shaped US history

Sens. John McCain and Ted Kennedy

Sens. John McCain and Ted Kennedy

Two senators who put party politics aside and reached across the aisle to work on legislation were Arizona Republican John McCain and Massachusetts Democrat Ted Kennedy.

The two men worked closely together on several issues and pieces of legislation, including immigration reform.

In his latest memoir, McCain said Kennedy "gave value no other senator had" when crafting legislation because of his outsize role in the Democratic party and because he was respected by all in the Senate.

When Kennedy passed away in 2009, McCain gave a heartfelt eulogy at his funeral. "Ted and I shared the sentiment that a fight not joined was a fight not enjoyed," McCain said.

McCain is now suffering from the same form of brain cancer as his former Senate colleague. After receiving the cancer diagnosis, McCain told CBS's "60 Minutes" that he still thinks about Kennedy a lot.

Sources: Business Insider, NPR, The New York Times, The Atlanta-Journal Constitution

Justices Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Justices Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Two Supreme Court justices with very different ideologies were actually two of the closest on the highest court in the United States.

The late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia and liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg formed a tight bond during their time on the court together despite agreeing on very few issues.

"We were best buddies," Ginsburg wrote after Scalia passed away in 2016. Both justices enjoyed opera, and Ginsburg has even said Scalia made her better as a justice.

The two celebrated New Years and vacationed together every year with their spouses, too. Ginsburg recently said that she misses Scalia very much.

Sources: Business Insider, NPR, Forward

Presidents George H.W Bush and Bill Clinton

Presidents George H.W Bush and Bill Clinton

In 1992, Bill Clinton brought George H.W. Bush's time in the White House to a close after defeating him in the presidential election.

But the two men did not let the bitter race get in the way of establishing a close friendship, as Clinton would often seek out Bush's advice.

Because of their close relationship, Barbara Bush once called Clinton "the black sheep of their family" while George W. Bush has called him "a brother from another mother."

Bush 41 once said of Clinton, "You cannot get mad at the guy. I admit to wondering why he can't stay on time, but when I see him interacting with folks my wonder turns to understanding, with a dollop of angst thrown in."

In a recent visit Clinton made to the Bush's vacation home in Maine, Bush revealed he had a pair of socks with Clinton's image on them.

Sources: Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, CNN, CBS

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden

It is hard to find a more famous bromance than the one between former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Biden.

After competing for the Democratic nomination in 2008, Obama chose Biden to join him on the ticket as his vice president.

From runs and walks around the White House to laughing over sharing meals and playing golf, the two were constantly seen together over their eight years in office. They even made friendship bracelets for each other to wear.

Before leaving office, Obama delivered the eulogy at the funeral of Biden's son, Beau. He also presented Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in a surprise ceremony.

When the Bidens' planned to sell their house in order to help their son's family during his illness, Obama offered to cover the mortgage and give Biden the money.

Former first lady Michelle Obama once said that her husband and Biden "really love one another."

After leaving office, Obama said he "gained a brother" in Biden. "I don't like him, I love him," Biden said of Obama.

Sources: Business Insider, Vanity Fair, People, Buzzfeed, Time

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