2. Its largest city is home to only 6,000 people.
Schaan is Liechtenstein's largest city, but the capital, Vaduz, which is only about 11 miles from Schaan, has even fewer residents: about 5,400.
3. Liechtenstein is the only country in the world with 100% of its territory in the Alpine region.
4. It's the second-least-visited nation in Europe.
5. Liechtenstein's per capita GDP is $165,028 — the second-highest in the world.
6. Liechtenstein has virtually zero national debt.
7. The country's only billionaire is worth 50% of the entire nation's GDP — and he built his fortune on dental products.
8. Liechtenstein hasn't had an army since 1868.
9. More than half of Liechtenstein's workforce commutes into the country every day from neighboring countries.
10. Only 406 people were unemployed in Liechtenstein in 2016 — and that includes those who were on maternity leave.
11. Liechtenstein has no airport.