9. Hartford, Connecticut
Monthly after-tax income: $6,934
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $6,455
Remaining income: $479
8. Honolulu, Hawaii
Monthly after-tax income: $6,805
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $6,665
Remaining income: $140
7. Oxnard, California
Monthly after-tax income: $7,086
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $6,948
Remaining income: $138
6. Boston, Massachusetts
Monthly after-tax income: $6,932
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $6,963
Remaining income: -$31
5. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Monthly after-tax income: $6,785
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $6,838
Remaining income: -$53
4. Bridgeport, Connecticut
Monthly after-tax income: $7,035
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $7,133
Remaining income: -$98
3. San Francisco, California
Monthly after-tax income: $7,086
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $7,246
Remaining income: -$160
2. Washington, DC
Monthly after-tax income: $6,932
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $7,292
Remaining income: -$360
1. San Jose, California
Monthly after-tax income: $7,087
Estimated monthly expenses and debt: $7,541
Remaining income: -$454