2. Infrastructure:
The infrastructure at MIT such as research equipment, etc is state of the art. MIT receives huge amount of funding from various organizations for cutting edge research. IITs have a long way to go to have a MIT-level infrastructure
3. Teaching practices:
In institutes such as University of Maryland, MIT etc, more emphasis is laid on research than classroom teaching, whereas, at the IITs, classroom teaching takes more time than research.
4. The hierarchy:
Someone who visited MIT said students and professors are in the same boat, trying to solve a research problem. “You can talk to a professor about anything and everything. He is really like a friend. This makes it really easy for a graduate student to communicate, take advice and counter professors. At IITs, there is a clear hierarchy. Professors are referred to as ‘Sir’ in mails and we can't talk about anything and everything with them.
5. Faculty:
MIT alumni have won 34 Nobel Prizes. And 31 have taught at MIT. MIT has a strong entrepreneurial culture.