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  4. I tried skiing and snowboarding for the first time and noticed 7 big differences that made me realize I'll be sticking with just one for now

I tried skiing and snowboarding for the first time and noticed 7 big differences that made me realize I'll be sticking with just one for now

Monica Humphries   

I tried skiing and snowboarding for the first time and noticed 7 big differences that made me realize I'll be sticking with just one for now
Insider's author tried both skiing and snowboarding and compared the two.Monica Humphries/Insider
  • Last winter, I gave snowboarding a shot, and this year, I clipped into skis for the first time.
  • Now that I've tried both sports, I've realized they have some major differences.

Growing up in Florida, my winters involved cold ocean plunges in bathing suits, not skiing in snowsuits.

Growing up in Florida, my winters involved cold ocean plunges in bathing suits, not skiing in snowsuits.
The base of the Winter Park Resort in Colorado.      Monica Humphries/Insider

I didn't grow up skiing or snowboarding. Growing up in Florida, my family headed to sunny beaches instead of snowy mountains.

So when I moved to Denver, Colorado, in June 2021, I had never clipped into skis or strapped into a snowboard.

Meanwhile, it seemed like a sport everyone in Denver did and loved.

So as my first Colorado summer turned into my first Colorado winter, I was ready to give these winter hobbies a shot.

Last winter, I strapped into a snowboard and attempted a few beginner runs.

Last winter, I strapped into a snowboard and attempted a few beginner runs.
The author's first day on a snowboard ended in a hike down the mountain.      Monica Humphries/Insider

To kick off 2022, I planned a trip to a nearby ski resort with a few friends.

In the weeks leading up to the trip, I had to decide whether I wanted to try skiing or snowboarding.

Since I was unfamiliar with both, I was committed to taking a class. Ultimately, my tendency to procrastinate made the decision for me: When I logged onto the ski resort's website, all the ski lessons were filled for the days of our trip.

Snowboarding classes were still available, so I booked a lesson.

My first day on the slopes was a hilarious disaster. The day ended with me and my friends walking down a run instead of snowboarding down it because we found it to be so challenging.

And even though I didn't finish my first day as a snowboarding pro, I did understand the appeal. It was fun to be challenged by something new and spend the day outdoors.

This year, I decided to give skiing a shot.

This year, I decided to give skiing a shot.
The author holds skis and a snowboard.      Monica Humphries/Insider

It wasn't until this winter, when I was heading to Colorado's Winter Park Resort for a work trip in January 2023 that I skied for the first time.

I planned to take the direct Amtrak Winter Park Express train, which would drop me off at the resort. Once in Winter Park, I'd spend two days on the slopes. I was itching for another new experience, so I decided to book a ski lesson one day and give snowboarding another go on the other day of my trip.

This time, I didn't procrastinate. I booked the ski lesson a few weeks in advance, and I was eager to see how this sport would compare to snowboarding, and what it would be like to get on skis for the first time.

Here are the major differences I noticed between the two activities.

Let's start with the gear. I thought snowboard boots were much more comfortable than ski boots.

The author gets fitted for ski boots and snowboard boots.      Monica Humphries/Insider

My first time snowboarding in 2022 was with a friend who grew up skiing. Together, we signed up for our first snowboarding lessons.

As we each stepped into the massive, black snowboard boots, she said she was amazed by how comfortable they were. After seeing my confusion, she explained that wearing ski boots all day long was incredibly uncomfortable. The snowboard boots were much cozier, she said.

After trying both snowboarding and skiing, I understood what she was saying.

The ski boots I wore this year were coated in a hard shell of plastic, which meant my feet didn't have much flexibility inside the shoe. They also had two awkward bumps at the front and back of each boot to fit into the clips, making it feel like I was never walking on a flat surface.

I thought this design made tasks like descending stairs much more challenging.

Meanwhile, my snowboard boots had a softer and cushier interior and the bottoms were completely flat, which made it easier to walk.

I didn't mind wearing the snowboard boots all day long, but couldn't wait to get out of the ski boots by the end of my first ski day.

I learned that your position on the mountain makes some things more challenging while snowboarding.

I learned that your position on the mountain makes some things more challenging while snowboarding.
Side-by-side images of the author skiing and snowboarding.      Monica Humphries/Insider

One of the biggest differences for me between the two sports is the way your hips and chest face the mountain while you're either skiing or snowboarding.

While I knew there would be a difference, I was curious which way I would prefer to face — either straight downward on skis or perpendicular on a snowboard.

While skiing, my hips and chest directly faced forward. This gave me better use of my peripheral vision, and it was easier for me to tell if anyone else was coming down the mountain on my left or right.

On the snowboard, however, my hips were perpendicular to the slope. This made looking behind me slightly easier, but I had a larger blind spot on my snowboard that made peripheral sight more uncomfortable.

Of course, neither skiing nor snowboarding gives you complete 360-degree views, but I felt like my vision was overall better on skis.

I discovered that navigating on flat surfaces felt exhausting on a snowboard and easier on skis.

I discovered that navigating on flat surfaces felt exhausting on a snowboard and easier on skis.
A snowboarder skates on a slat section of a run while skiers in the background push themselves using poles.      Monica Humphries/Insider

Between lift lines and flat sections on runs, I had to learn to navigate along level surfaces both while snowboarding and skiing.

And after trying the two, I thought skiers have it way easier in these places.

That's because most skiers, myself included, use poles. With my poles, I pushed myself on these flat patches and was able to propel myself forward.

Snowboarders, on the other hand, don't have poles. This meant that I had to keep my back foot out of my binding and kick my foot to skate around.

I found the task of skating much more energy-consuming than propelling myself forward on poles.

I fell a lot more when I was learning how to snowboard.

I fell a lot more when I was learning how to snowboard.
The author in a patch of trees after falling on her snowboard.      Monica Humphries/Insider

Before my first snowboarding lesson, I crowdsourced advice and tips.

Every single person told me to prepare to fall. A lot.

I went into the class expecting my fair share of topples, but I had no idea just how often I would find myself on the ground.

I fell dozens of times during the four-hour snowboarding class. When I hit the slopes, I was in the snow more than I was standing on my snowboard.

So I went into my skiing lesson expecting the same number of falls. But I didn't fall a single time during my four-hour lesson.

I did attempt a green run that same day and fell a few times, but it still didn't come close to the number of falls I took during my first day of snowboarding.

I thought that getting on and off lifts was easier on skis.

I thought that getting on and off lifts was easier on skis.
A family of skiers gets off a lift.      Monica Humphries/Insider

Another place where I struggled as a beginner snowboarder was getting on and off the ski lifts.

When the lift ends, it doesn't stop moving. Instead, skiers and snowboarders must hop off their seats and ski or snowboard down a slight decline to the start of their run.

Again, this was where I found ski poles to be a major advantage. When I got off a lift on skis, I felt sturdy and confident while using them. I never fell.

Getting off a lift on a snowboard, however, seemed like a skill within itself. I had to keep my balance while kicking off the ground to create momentum, and the result was fall after fall.

On my first day of snowboarding, I didn't successfully get off one single lift without falling. Meanwhile, I navigated lifts easily on my first day of skiing.

Different parts of my body ached after both skiing and snowboarding.

Different parts of my body ached after both skiing and snowboarding.
The author rests and straps into her snowboard.      Monica Humphries/Insider

Before trying skiing and snowboarding, I didn't realize how hard the sports would be on my body.

After snowboarding, my wrists were aching from falling forward onto my hands all day.

My calves were also not prepared for snowboarding. While on a snowboard, you use the toeside and heelside edge of the board to turn. After many toeside turns, my calves burned. The next day, they were very sore.

Skiing was also a hard workout. According to Sports-Health, "pizza-ing," which is when you point your skis into a triangle to stop, can strain your knees. That's the technique I was taught, and by the end of my first day on skis, my knees were sore from all the "pizza-ing."

Either way, my body was exhausted by the end of my first day on both a snowboard and skis.

Everyone told me that "snowboarding is harder to learn but easier to master, while skiing is easier to learn and harder to master." So far, I think the saying rings true.

Everyone told me that "snowboarding is harder to learn but easier to master, while skiing is easier to learn and harder to master." So far, I think the saying rings true.
The author snowboarding at the Winter Park Resort.      Katie Sproles

After two winters in Colorado, I imagine I've heard the phrase close to a hundred times from friends. And I've recited it nearly as much to others.

That's because after trying both, I'm starting to understand why it's said so often.

While the first day on a snowboard last year was disastrous, my second day went much smoother. I could get down blue runs by the end of day two, and after about five days, I felt confident navigating on the heelside and toeside edges of the board.

I'm not quite as confident yet with skiing. Although I've skied only one day and fell far less than I did snowboarding, keeping my feet perfectly parallel from one another seems like a skill that would take months, if not years, to master.

After trying both, I think there's nothing like gliding down a snowy mountain on a sunny day — regardless of whether you're on skis or a snowboard.

After trying both, I think there
The author holds a snowboard.      Monica Humphries/Insider

The two sports each have their pros and cons.

But since I've spent more time on a snowboard overall, I'm sticking with that for now. I'm aiming to master using my toeside edge and fingers crossed I'll be on black diamond runs sooner rather than later.

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