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The most shocking deaths in 'Kaleidoscope,' ranked

The most shocking deaths in 'Kaleidoscope,' ranked
Paz Vega as Ava Mercer, Jai Courtney as Bob Goodwin and Rosaline Elbay as Judy Goodwin in "Kaleidoscope."Courtesy of Netflix
  • Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Kaleidoscope," which is available on Netflix.
  • In the new series, a group of criminals pull off a near-impossible heist.

Andrew Covington

Andrew Covington
Andrew Covington (Patch Darragh) is confronted by Roger Salas.      Netflix

Andrew Covington's death in the "Blue" episode of "Kaleidoscope" is both predictable and not as dramatic as others in the series.

Andrew originally worked for Roger Salas' (Rufus Sewell) security company, SLS, but was framed as a traitor to the company. After getting fired, he tried to blackmail Roger by threatening to reveal his real identity.

Once Roger worked this out, he sent his lead security man Carlos (Hemky Madera) to kill Andrew, which happened very quickly and violently.

Frankly, it was clear Andrew was going to get himself killed by going against criminals who are much smarter and more resourceful than him.

Taco and Samson

Taco and Samson
Taco (Max Casella) and Samson (Craig Walker) in "Kaleidoscope."      Netflix

Taco (Max Casella) and Samson (Craig Walker) are introduced in the "Pink" episode and killed in the same episode.

Six months after the heist takes place, the two contract killers are hired to help Bob Goodwin (Jai Courtney) track down the former crewmates who left him for dead at the scene of the crime.

When they finally find the masterminds of the operation, Ava Mercer (Paz Vega) and Leo Pap (Giancarlo Esposito), both killers end up getting taken out.

Taco is killed almost immediately when Ava shoots him at her door with a shotgun. While Samson survives the fight with Ava, he is killed the next day during a standoff between Ava, Leo, and Ava's aunt, Teresa (Irene DeBari). Leo ends up stabbing him multiple times with a knife.

While neither death was entirely predictable, since they were going up against the main characters, it was likely one or both of the contract killers would end up dead instead.


Carlos (Hemky Madera) in "Kaleidoscope" episode "Red."      Netflix

Roger's lead security man, Carlos, is another character that does not survive the chaotic, tragic heist story.

In "Red," Carlos is sent to hunt down Leo and his conspirators to get the loot back from them and then kill them.

Carlos tracks them down to their warehouse and forces them to surrender by holding Stan Loomis (Peter Mark Kendall) at gunpoint. Luckily, Judy is able to trick Carlos and his crew into letting down their guard, allowing Leo and Ava to kill them.

Again, it was highly predictable that things were going to end badly for Carlos since the crew is shown escaping on a boat at the beginning of the episode.

Bob Goodwin, the first time

Bob Goodwin, the first time
Bob (Jai Courtney) during the heist in the "White" episode of "Kaleidoscope."      Clifton Prescod / Netflix

Honestly, Bob Goodwin looked like he was going to die at least five different times in "Kaleidoscope," and for good reason.

Bob joins the crew as the safecracker only because the team needs his wife, Judy. He is rude, arrogant, chaotic, and definitely not a team player. This means it is not surprising when it is revealed in the "Red" and "White" episodes that he turns on the crew and tries to take the money for himself and Judy (Rosaline Elbay).

Bob is believed to be dead in "Red" after Ava finds him in the street after the heist. "White" shows that this was a result of Bob being strangled by Judy with a metal bar to stop him from killing another member of the crew. This is not that shocking a death since Bob was a thorn in everyone's side.

However, the relief of his death is cut short when the character awakens in "White," albeit struggling to breathe. The strangulation affected his throat, so he had to use a pen to open up his airway. Bob then stumbles away to cause more havoc in the "Pink" episode.

RJ Acosta

RJ Acosta
RJ (Jordan Mendoza) was killed while trying to stop Bob's villainy.      Clifton Prescod / Netflix

RJ Acosta (Jordan Mendoza), who was treated like the kid of the heist crew, definitely did not deserve to die the way he did in the "White" episode.

From watching the episodes "Red" and "Pink," viewers can tell that Judy is traumatized by the death of RJ. The finale explains why.

During the heist, in the "White" episode, Bob tries to take all the loot for himself and his wife and leave the rest of the crew behind. RJ finally stands up to him and shoots him in the butt. Before he can shoot him again, Judy shoots RJ to protect Bob.

RJ's death is not really shocking because viewers know it is coming. The shocking element is that Judy is the one to kill him considering he saved her life earlier in the episode.

Lily Vernon

Lily Vernon
Ray Vernon (Giancarlo Esposito) and his wife Lily Vernon (Robinne Lee) in the episode "Violet."      Clifton Prescod / Netflix

Lily Vernon (Robinne Lee) is another character who deserved better than the death she got.

While referenced in other episodes, Lily is formally introduced in "Violet," which is set 24 years before the heist and explains Leo Pap's backstory.

Before he became Leo Pap, Leo was a petty thief called Ray Vernon. At one point, he tried to quit but is persuaded by his former partner Graham Davies, the real identity of Roger Salas, to pull off one final heist. However, the heist goes awry and Graham starts a fire to cover their tracks.

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to both thieves, Lily is working in the building at the time and is caught in the fire. The pair both go back to save her but Graham bails to avoid getting caught. While it is clear in other episodes that something happened to Ray's former wife, I was not expecting her death to happen this way.

Barbara and Ma Loomis

Barbara and Ma Loomis
Barbara (Stacey Oristano) and Ma Loomis (Susan Varon) in "Kaleidoscope."      Netflix

Barbara (Stacey Oristano) and Ma Loomis (Susan Varon) are another two bystanders caught in the crossfire of Leo's messy heists.

They are first introduced in "Yellow" as Stan's wife and mother, respectively.

When Carlos is tracking down the heist crew in "Red," he follows the lead of Stan's glasses to his apartment and butcher shop. Barbara tries to cover for Stan and get rid of Carlos but the security man kills them both quickly with his pistol.

This is surprising since neither character was directly involved in the crime, so there seemed to be a slim chance of them surviving.

Bob Goodwin, the second time

Bob Goodwin, the second time
Bob (Jai Courtney) refuses to go down without a fight in the "Pink" episode of "Kaleidoscope."      Clifton Prescod / Netflix

After surviving everything that he did in the last seven episodes, including almost dying in the heist, part of me thought Bob was going to somehow survive the "Pink" episode.

The episode follows his revenge mission to hunt his former comrades and kill anyone who gets in his way.

When Bob catches up with and successfully captures Ava, Leo, and Ava's aunt, it seems like he won. Leo sends him to where the remaining crewmembers Stan and Judy are, and it seems that Bob is going to kill Stan and take Judy back as his wife.

In a thrilling plot twist, Leo instead frames Bob and sends the FBI after him. When Bob realizes this, he tries to shoot them and escape but is gunned down instead.

A part of me actually felt sorry for him at this moment since he was so close to his victory and was ready to make amends with Judy.

Leo Pap

Leo Pap
Giancarlo Esposito plays the lead character, Leo Pap.      Courtesy of Netflix

By the beginning of the "Pink" episode, it is clear that Leo is not getting a happy ending after the heist.

Leo's Parkinson's disease has developed rapidly to the point that he needs a cane to walk and is having seizures. He hasn't found any of the missing money from the heist, which was stolen before Leo and the others could bring it to the warehouse.

Plus, Bob and the FBI are tracking him down. Leo survives his encounters with both of them, but after losing the person closest to him, Ava, Leo returns to New York so that he can die. He calls his daughter, Hannah (Tati Gabrielle), one last time and then takes a stroll during which someone comes behind up him and shoots him as the credits roll.

While we don't get a confirmation of his shooter, it is likely someone sent by the Triplets, the criminal empire that Leo and his crew attempted to steal from during their heist.

Leo's death is as emotional as it is shocking because he is killed while he is defenseless.

Ava Mercer and her aunt Teresa

Ava Mercer and her aunt Teresa
Teresa (Irene DeBari) is Ava's (Paz Vega) aunt who helped her immigrate to the US.      Netflix

Ava and Teresa's tragic deaths occur in the same scene and are as shocking as each other.

In the "Pink" episode, Ava, Teresa, and Leo are captured by Bob and Samson. Halfway through the episode, Bob leaves the house, and Samson falls asleep, which makes it seem for a moment that the trio will escape their restraints and kill Samson before he wakes up.

That hope is cut off quickly with a montage showing the deaths of Ava, Teresa, and Bob.

Samson somehow wakes up just before Teresa knocks him out with a vase. Having shot Teresa, Samson then turns his aim at Ava, killing her before she can shoot him.

While the chaos of the scene was expected, there seemed to be some hope that at least Teresa, who was a bystander in the story, would escape.

Yet after killing Samson, Leo is the only one left alive in the room, mourning the death of Ava.

Nazan Abassi

Nazan Abassi
Niousha Noor as Nazan Abassi and Bubba Weiler as Toby.      Clifton Prescod / Netflix

While the death of FBI agent Nazan Abassi (Niousha Noor) is completely the result of her own actions, she has the cruelest death in the series.

In "Green," she is first assigned to find Ray Vernon when the thief escapes prison. Unfortunately, Ava uses the fact that Nazan is addicted to drugs to get the FBI off Ray's trail, which destroys Nazan's life.

Later, when Nazan finds out Ray is about to pull off a big-time heist, she tries to track him down in order to make up for everything that has gone wrong in her life. However, her constant meddling in the investigation in "Pink," set six months after the heist, causes the Triplets to send an assassin to kill her.

In "Blue," Roger Salas says the Triplets are not criminals to mess with because, "You cross them the wrong way, one day you're walking down the street, someone brushes your arm, three blocks later you drop dead of a heart attack."

We see this in action in "Pink" when Nazan dies in the middle of the street after bumping into a random man. It is quick, it is cruel, and feels entirely unfair to Nazan, whose greatest flaw is wanting justice too much.

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