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Where everyone on 'Firefly Lane' ended up at the end of season one

Where everyone on 'Firefly Lane' ended up at the end of season one
Katherine Heigl and Sarah Chalke in "Firefly Lane."Netflix
  • "Firefly Lane" season two's part one will be released on Netflix on December 2.
  • Every major character has an uncertain future in each decade viewers left them in.

Tully Hart's future was uncertain — in every decade — at the end of season one.

Tully Hart
Katherine Heigl in "Firefly Lane" season one.      SHANE HARVEY/NETFLIX

In the '70s, after Cloud's (Beau Garrett) house was raided by police and she was arrested for drug possession, young Tully (played by Ali Skobye) was ripped from young Kate's (played by Roan Curtis) arms by police and taken away from Firefly Lane in the back of a police car.

In the '80s, Tully (played by Katherine Heigl) left Wilson King's (Martin Donovan) office at KTLA after he sexually harassed her and told her that she was bad at her job and that she only got attention because she got shot. Wilson later became the owner of Tully's show "The Girlfriend Hour."

In the early 2000s, after quitting her job as host of "The Girlfriend Hour" because of Wilson's changes, Tully got stood up by her husband Max (Jon-Michael Ecker) at the gazebo there they got married. Though he didn't want to restart their relationship, Kate (played by Sarah Chalke) was there for support just in case Max stood her up. The friends celebrated Christmas and New Year's 2003 together.

Around 2004, Tully left a funeral for Kate's dad Bud (Paul McGillion) after Kate told Tully she never wanted to see her again.

Cloud didn't get her life together until she was older.

Cloud didn
Beau Garrett on "Firefly Lane."      Beau Garrett on "Firefly Lane."

In the '70s, Tully's mother Dorothy "Cloud" Hart was arrested for drug possession and taken away from Firefly Lane in the back of a police car on the season finale.

Right before she got shot in the '80s, Tully made her crew stop by a campground where Cloud was living at the time. Cloud was addicted to drugs and unimpressed by the fact that Tully was working at a mainstream news station. She asked Tully for money and Tully obliged.

Cloud showed up at Kate's house to celebrate Christmas in her final scene of season one, set in 2003.

The last time we saw him, Max was uncertain about his future with Tully.

The last time we saw him, Max was uncertain about his future with Tully.
Katherine Heigl and Jon-Michael Ecker in "Firefly Lane."      SHANE HARVEY/NETFLIX

Tully met her future husband Max in the early 2000s. Tully called Max after she punched a mirror in her dressing room, though they had just had a big fight. While he was attending to her injury, Tully apologized for kicking him out and saying their marriage was a mistake. She said she wanted to start over and move past the pregnancy loss.

Max seemed unsure about meeting Tully at the gazebo where they got married. It didn't seem he was able to move past the pregnancy loss.

People Kate loved were always leaving her, no matter what year she was in.

People Kate loved were always leaving her, no matter what year she was in.
Sarah Chalke on "Firefly Lane."      Netflix

In the '70s, After Tully was ripped from her arms, Kate fought her dad's restraint and ran down Firefly Lane after the police car that had taken Tully away.

In the '80s, on the night of her father's heart attack, Johnny Ryan (Ben Lawson) told Kate he was in love with her.

On New Year's Eve 2003, Kate and Tully sat together by a fire in Kate's backyard. They missed a phone call about Johnny's accident in Iraq. But Kate accepted a job as Tully's producer when she make a comeback on a new show.

Kate confronted Tully at her dad's funeral, presumably in 2004, saying she was unwelcome after what she had done to her. Viewers don't yet know how Tully betrayed Kate.

Johnny's relationship with Kate was changing in every decade.

Ben Lawson on "Firefly Lane."      Netflix

The night of the company holiday party in the '80s, Johnny took Kate to see her dad in the hospital after Bud had a heart attack off-screen. Hours after dropping her home, he went back to see her and tell her he was in love with her.

Johnny and Kate had sex the night before she dropped him off at the airport to begin his job as a war correspondent in Iraq in 2003. In his last scene of season one, viewers see him right before a landmine exploded, which took place on Christmas day.

Her parents' divorce was taking a toll on Mara Ryan.

Her parents
Ben Lawson and Yael Yurman in "Firefly Lane."      Netflix

In the early 2000s, Kate and Johnny have a teenage daughter named Marah (played by Yael Yurman).

In the season one finale, Mara yelled at her mom in the kitchen because she said she thought if things were good between her parents, Johnny wouldn't want to leave home to be a war correspondent in Iraq. She also heard the messages Kate left for her friend Emma's dad Travis while she was over at Emma's house.

In her final scene of season one, Mara celebrated Christmas with her mom, her grandparents, and her aunt Tully.

Kate's brother Sean was constantly struggling with his identity through the years.

Quinn Lord on "Firefly Lane."      Netflix

In the '70s, Sean (played by Quinn Lord) watched beside his parents as his sister Kate ran down Firefly Lane chasing after the police car that took her best friend away. He was secretly gay and dating his friend Robbie (Thomas Cadrot).

At his wedding to Julia in the '80s, Sean (portrayed by Jason McKinnon) told Kate he expected her to ruin something at his wedding when she accidentally destroyed his cake. They got into a fight because he was closer to Tully than he was to her (since viewers saw Tully catch Sean with Robbie in the '70s).

In 2003, Sean showed up at Kate's house right after Tully was stood up by Max and told Tully and Kate that he came out to Julia and she kicked him out of the house.

Travis's relationship with Kate was also uncertain.

Brandon Jay McLaren on "Firefly Lane."      Netflix

Travis (Brandon Jay McLaren) was Kate's first love interest after she split up with Johnny.

After Kate accidentally said Johnny's name while kissing Travis and left him embarrassing voicemails apologizing, he showed up at her house with his mom to introduce them. Kate answered the door naked, embarrassing herself yet again.

After his mom fled the scene for the car, Travis told Kate they could take their relationship slowly.

"Firefly Lane" season two part one will be released December 2.

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