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  5. 8 easy, high-protein dinners that have helped me keep 35 pounds off for 4 years, from paprika chicken pasta to one-pan cheesy Mexican beef

8 easy, high-protein dinners that have helped me keep 35 pounds off for 4 years, from paprika chicken pasta to one-pan cheesy Mexican beef

8 easy, high-protein dinners that have helped me keep 35 pounds off for 4 years, from paprika chicken pasta to one-pan cheesy Mexican beef
Paprika chicken pasta is one of Rachel's favorite dinners.Rachel Hosie
  • Four years ago I lost 35 pounds and have maintained my fat loss since.
  • Eating a high-protein diet helped me achieve and maintain my results.

Almost four years ago I lost 35 pounds. I ate a high-protein diet during my fat loss phase, and have continued eating this way to maintain my results.

Almost four years ago I lost 35 pounds. I ate a high-protein diet during my fat loss phase, and have continued eating this way to maintain my results.
Rachel Hosie in October 2018 (left) and May 2022.      Rachel Hosie

During the first six months of 2019, I lost 35 pounds and maintained my muscle mass, dropping my body fat percentage from 30% to 17%.

I've stayed around the same weight and body composition since, and I aim to eat 0.9 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day, which many dietitians recommend.

Protein has benefits including:

I spread my protein intake over the course of the day, which is the best way to go according to research.

Certain recipes have become staples in my diet because they're delicious, easy to prepare, and nutritious, from one-pan cheesy Mexican beef to paprika chicken pasta.

1. Mexican ground turkey bowl with cheese and rice

1. Mexican ground turkey bowl with cheese and rice
Mexican ground turkey bowl is a staple dish for Rachel Hosie.      Rachel Hosie

This is a recipe that you can adapt to suit your tastes or whatever you have in the fridge, but it's great for cooking in bulk and eating over a few days. I like to serve mine with rice or couscous, but it works with pasta or on top of a baked potato too. Cook as much as you want to satisfy your hunger and hit your goals.

It's delicious with cheese on top (I like feta or cheddar), and guacamole and sour cream or Greek yogurt also work really well.

These quantities serve four.


  • 1 onion, diced
  • 500 grams of ground turkey
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, diced
  • 2 red peppers, chopped
  • fajita seasoning
  • serving of rice/couscous/pasta/potato
  • cheese/sour cream/guacamole to top


  1. Heat some oil or cooking spray in a pan and cook the onion on a medium heat until it starts to to soften.
  2. Season the turkey with fajita spices, salt, and pepper, and add to the pan with the garlic and pepper and fry until cooked through. If you want it more saucy, you can add some chopped tomatoes, liquid seasoning, or chicken stock.
  3. Serve with your carb of choice and top with cheese, sour cream, and/or guacamole.

Dietitian Nichola Ludlam-Raine said:

"Turkey is an excellent source of lean protein as it's low in saturated fat and is a source of a variety of vitamins and minerals to support your health. It's a particularly good source of tryptophan which can support the production of melatonin to help promote good quality sleep.

"Adding peppers and onions is a great way to add not only flavor but also contribute to the five portions of fruit and veggies people are advised to eat each day.

"To increase the fiber in this dish, opt for wholegrain rice as a side and keep cheese to approximately 30 grams a portion, which will still provide protein and help to lower the calories and saturated fat."

2. Paprika chicken pasta

2. Paprika chicken pasta
This paprika chicken pasta is creamy, cheesy, and nutritious.      Rachel Hosie

This recipe is based on one by fitness influencer Sean Casey, but with added broccoli. It's incredibly delicious and feels much more indulgent than it is.

The quantities below make three servings.


  • 400 grams of chicken breast, chopped
  • smoked paprika (or spices of choice)
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato purée
  • chicken stock
  • 150 grams of pasta
  • 450 grams of broccoli, chopped into florets
  • 180 grams of light Philadelphia cheese
  • 60 grams of grated mozzarella cheese


  1. Heat some oil or cooking spray in a large pan on a medium heat, coat the chicken in smoked paprika, salt, and pepper, and fry until cooked.
  2. Make a jug of chicken stock and stir in the tomato purée, then pour into the pan. Bring to the boil, add the pasta, and cook according to timings on the packet.
  3. About five minutes before the pasta is done, add the broccoli, bring back to the boil and simmer until all cooked.
  4. Stir in the Philadelphia cheese and mozzarella then dig in.

Ludlam-Raine said:

"I love the idea of this dish and the fact that it's bulked out with broccoli increases the fiber and provides one of your five-a-day. Using light Philadelphia cheese is a great way to reduce the levels of saturated fat in the dish but provide a creamy taste and texture.

"Using paprika and tomato purée is a great way to add flavor, but try to opt for low-salt stock to reduce the levels of sodium in the dish. Again to increase the amount of fiber, you could opt for wholewheat pasta."

3. Chickpea, beetroot, and feta salad with crunchy seeds and brown rice

3. Chickpea, beetroot, and feta salad with crunchy seeds and brown rice
This salad with chickpeas and feta is high-protein without meat.      Rachel Hosie

I make versions of this salad when it's hot and I want a cool meal. I batch cook the chickpeas, rice, and vegetables, then can just throw a few salads together over the next few days.

I change up the ingredients but in the above photo I used:

  • 25 grams of feta cheese
  • 40 grams of brown rice
  • 12 grams of chickpeas, roasted with some oil and smoked paprika
  • mixed chargrilled Mediterranean vegetables
  • 100 grams of cooked beetroot
  • a handful of crunchy garlic and herb roasted seeds
  • lettuce
  • honey and mustard dressing

Ludlam-Raine said:

"I love the variety in this dish. Chickpeas are an excellent way to add a source of plant-based protein and fiber as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals from your beetroot and mixed Mediterranean vegetables.

"You're also adding a healthy dose of unsaturated fats from the crunchy seeds, and some protein from the feta and brown rice."

4. Meatballs with pasta and cheese

4. Meatballs with pasta and cheese
Pasta with meatballs and cheese is a great batch-cooked meal.      Rachel Hosie

Pasta with meatballs can be a healthy meal — I like to cut down on some calories by choosing lean beef (or sometimes turkey), and add more nutrients by incorporating veggies like red pepper and zucchini.

Sometimes I use wholewheat pasta for extra fiber too. Top with cheese for extra deliciousness and protein, just keep an eye on your portion size if you're watching your calories.

This serves four.


  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, diced
  • 350-500 grams of readymade meatballs
  • 2 red peppers, chopped
  • 2 zucchinis, chopped
  • 400 grams of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato purée
  • beef stock
  • pasta to serve
  • cheese to top


  1. Heat some oil or cooking spray in a pan and cook the onions with the garlic on a medium heat until they start to soften.
  2. Season the meatballs then add to the pan and cook until browned. Add the peppers and zucchinis and cook for a few more minutes.
  3. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato purée, and beef stock (add bit by bit to reach your desired thickness) and simmer until all cooked through.
  4. Serve with pasta and top with cheese.

Ludlam-Raine said:

"This is a really well-balanced meal and especially so if you are opting for wholewheat pasta for extra fiber. Great choice to go for lean beef or turkey again to reduce the amount of saturated fat within the dish.

"Adding the peppers and zucchinis is an excellent way to increase the veg and fiber too."

5. Peanut butter chicken curry

5. Peanut butter chicken curry
Peanut butter chicken curry is a delicious and nutritious dinner.      Rachel Hosie

This recipe is by the fitness influencer Lucy Mountain and has become a staple in my kitchen. I love peanut butter, so I am always looking for ways to incorporate it into my meals, but it works just as well with almond butter.

The quantities below serve four.


  • 400 grams of chicken breast, diced
  • 1 white onion, chopped
  • 3 red bell peppers, chopped
  • 200 grams of broccoli, chopped
  • 1 can of chopped tomatoes
  • 80 grams of crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon of curry powder
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 500 grams of microwave rice


1. Heat some oil or cooking spray in a large saucepan over a medium heat and cook the onion, peppers, and broccoli until softened.

2. Add the chicken to the pan and stir occasionally until cooked through.

3. Add the chopped tomatoes, peanut butter, curry powder, and soy sauce, and stir until smooth.

4. Place a lid on the pan and simmer until the sauce is thick and everything is cooked through.

5. Serve with the rice.

Ludlam-Raine said:

"Although some people shy away from using peanut butter due to the amount of calories, it's a great source of healthy unsaturated fats.

"Some brands may add salt or sugar so try to opt for 100% nut options and for low sodium soy sauce. This looks like a really balanced, tasty, and satisfying meal!"

6. Chicken with wedges and greens

6. Chicken with wedges and greens
Chicken with wedges and greens, in different forms.      Rachel Hosie

This is a basic meal that I often eat in different forms: sometimes sweet potato wedges, sometimes oven chips; sometimes breaded chicken goujons, sometimes mango and coconut chicken breasts; and whatever veggies I fancy.

Simply cook all the individual components and serve.

Ludlam-Raine said:

"This is a really simple and staple dish, but one that contains all the essential macronutrients, split into thirds of a plate which is often what I'd recommend for those wanting some support with their portion sizes.

"Homemade wedges are preferable to frozen wedges as they can be pre-fried, adding extra calories and fat to the dish. You can also flavor these yourself with herbs and spices to help reduce your salt intake.

"If you're looking to reduce your calorie intake, keep to plain chicken instead of breaded, or make your own breadcrumbs at home if you want to add a bit of crunch."

7. Chicken and vegetable stir-fry

7. Chicken and vegetable stir-fry
You can switch up the protein, veg, and noodle type in your stir-fries.      Rachel Hosie

A stir-fry is my go-to when I'm tired and hungry so don't want to spend long cooking, but also want a nutritious, filling meal. I often buy pre-prepared packs of vegetables and quick-cook noodles for ease.

All you need to do is heat some oil in a hot wok, stir-fry chopped veggies for a few minutes, add your protein of choice and cook for a few minutes more. Then add ready-made noodles or rice, and stir in your sauce.

A sprinkle of nuts adds delicious crunch too.

Ludlam-Raine said:

"Stir-fries are a great way to pack a good volume of vegetables into your meal if you struggle to meet your five-a-day. If you wanted to boost the protein content here, you could even add an egg and scramble in with the vegetables for an egg-fried stir-fry."

8. One-pan Mexican beef

8. One-pan Mexican beef
One-pan Mexican beef is as easy as it is cheesy.      Rachel Hosie

This recipe by sports nutritionist Scott Baptie is delicious and really comforting thanks to the cheesy topping.

Ludlam-Raine said:

"I absolutely love all-in-one recipes! Try to opt for wholegrain rice for a source of fiber and lean beef to keep mindful of saturated fats.

"Beef is however a great source of B12, iron, and protein to name a few. To make this meal go further you could even add a tin of lentils for extra fiber — 3 tbsp is one of your five-a-day."

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