eBay founder Pierre Omidyar
Omidyar and wife Pam are some of the most generous people in tech, having given away more than $1 billion of the vast fortune they made when eBay went public in 1998.
They signed the Giving Pledge in 2010. Bloomberg estimates their current fortune at $7.8 billion.
"In 2001, I publicly stated that we intend to give away the vast majority of our wealth during our lifetime," the couple said in their pledge letter. "Our view is fairly simple. We have more money than our family will ever need. There’s no need to hold onto it when it can be put to use today, to help solve some of the world’s most intractable problems."
They've also donated eBay shares to the Omidyar Network, their philanthropic investment firm, and are the single biggest private donors in the fight against human trafficking.
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