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  4. Before my first solo van trip, 7 women living on the road shared their tips for feeling safe while traveling alone

Before my first solo van trip, 7 women living on the road shared their tips for feeling safe while traveling alone

Before my first solo van trip, 7 women living on the road shared their tips for feeling safe while traveling alone
The campervan the author rented for two weeks.Monica Humphries/Business Insider
  • I recently went on a two-week solo trip in a campervan.
  • The idea of sleeping in unfamiliar places left me unnerved before my trip, so I sought advice.

As a frequent solo traveler, I figured I'd head into a two-week solo campervan trip without fear.

But I was wrong — as the trip got closer, nerves set in.

The concept of sleeping in a vehicle parked in some unfamiliar places — from remote, service-less campsites to outside a Walmart — made me feel a bit uneasy.

So, I reached out to seven women living in vans, RVs, and campers for their advice on how to feel safer on the road.

They told me that they rarely feel unsafe while traveling and all encouraged me to trust my instincts.

"I don't find it that much more dangerous than living in a city," Casey Hogan, a 31-year-old living in a Ford Transit, told Business Insider.

Here's their advice to navigating the lifestyle.

Every single woman I spoke with told me to trust my gut while traveling on the road.

Every single woman I spoke with told me to trust my gut while traveling on the road.
Phyllis Grover and the van she calls home.      PhyllisFindsFreedom

All the women I spoke with reminded me that my intuition and gut are the strongest tools I could pack on my trip.

"If someone comes up and starts trying to talk to me and I get a bad vibe, I do not ever give them the benefit of the doubt. I will just pack up and leave," Christian Schaffer, who lives out of a Ram ProMaster, told BI.

Schaffer, 38, added that it's not always fair, but it's served her well so far in the four years she has been living in a van.

Phyllis Grover agreed.

"If you're ever in a place and the hair was raised on the back of your neck and you just don't feel right, don't stop and try to figure out why," the 59-year-old living in a Ram ProMaster, told BI. "You put your key in the ignition and you leave."

Brittany Newson, who lives in a travel trailer, also recommends listening to your gut.

One day, Newson, 36, was making pancakes in her bus when she got a feeling that something was wrong. Newson closed and locked up her doors, and, just a few minutes later, another traveler started banging pots and pans to scare a bear away.

"Your gut instinct is there for a reason," Newson told BI.

One person recommends preparing for emergencies just in case.

One person recommends preparing for emergencies just in case.
Side-by-side images of Casey Hogan on solo trips.      @towingwildoats/Instagram

Hogan said that when she first moved into her Ford Transit, she didn't overlook preparation.

For example, Hogan added an alarm system in her van. She said there hasn't been a moment yet where the system has saved her, but the peace of mind it's provided has been major.

In addition to a security system like an alarm, Hogan recommends having a mental plan for what to do in the event of an emergency.

"Put in that work to figure out how you're going to keep yourself safe and then trust that preparation," Hogan said.

And once you've done that, don't overthink it, she said. "No one is any safer being hyper-vigilant about what could happen than someone who prepared for all those scenarios and then just chilled and enjoyed their experience," she said.

One woman said she parks strategically.

One woman said she parks strategically.
Christian Schaffer looks out of the van she calls home.      @christianschaffer/Instagram

After living in a van for over four years, Schaffer said that each time she parks for the night, she always makes sure the front of her vehicle is pointed toward her exit route.

That way "if something happens, I can just take off," she said.

The people I spoke to said they felt safest in different environments, so they suggested finding spots where I felt the most comfortable to sleep.

The people I spoke to said they felt safest in different environments, so they suggested finding spots where I felt the most comfortable to sleep.
Tracey Tischler inside her van.      Tracey Tischler/YouTube

Maddy Garrett said staying at established campsites when she first started living on the road helped her feel safer.

"When I was doing my Subaru road trip, I mostly stayed at campgrounds because I was not super comfortable traveling by myself," the 25-year-old, who has since upgraded to a Mercedes Sprinter, told BI. "I would get scared at night and being around other people and in an established area where there was a camp host and I felt safe made all the difference."

Tracey Tischler, 58, told BI that she predominantly stays at well-lit truck stops when she's traveling between destinations in her Roadtrek van.

On the other hand, Schaffer said she prefers complete solitude. "It's funny, I feel a little bit safer if no one is around," she said.

Every person living in a van has a different preference when it comes to who is — and how many people are — around, and they suggested figuring out what that looks like for me.

One person encouraged me to get to my overnight stops while the sun was still out.

One person encouraged me to get to my overnight stops while the sun was still out.
Brittany Newson in her travel trailer.      @whereis_brittany/Instagram

Newson said each time she gets to a new site, she checks out the area before deciding if that's where she wants to spend the night.

For example, a bunch of empty beer cans might indicate that the area is full of parties, which isn't what she's looking for.

Broken glass is another thing she keeps an eye out for so her dog can stay safe.

If it's dark outside, she isn't able to fully scope out her camping spot. So she makes sure she arrives before the sun sets.

Some women said they carry items to help them feel safer.

Some women said they carry items to help them feel safer.
Side-by-side images of Maddy Garrett.      @whoa_maddy_actually_/Instagram

Whether it's something like pepper spray or a satellite phone to call for emergencies, the women I spoke with all said that they usually have some form of protection with them in their vans.

"It's totally up to your personal preference, but I definitely recommend having some sort of protection on you," Garrett said.

If you're traveling, it's important to check the local laws of each state you'll be visiting before carrying items such as a taser or pepper spray, which may be restricted in certain areas.

On top of protection, others said they make sure that friends and family have access to their location.

On top of protection, others said they make sure that friends and family have access to their location.
Sierra Fernald in her van.      @sierra.fernald/TikTok

Sierra Fernald told BI her family always has her location when she's traveling in her Ram ProMaster. Plus, she overcommunicates with them so that they'll always know where they can expect to see her on a map.

For example, if Fernald is heading into a remote area that lacks service for a few days, she gives her family a timeline of when they can expect to hear from her again.

"I tell them that I might not have service for three days, so if you don't hear from me on the fourth day, then maybe start worrying," Fernald, 23, said.

Newson said she also always checks in with her family so that someone knows she is safe.

"I always have my GPS location and share it with my family," Newson said.

"When I get to a new destination, I take a picture of my setup, and I send it to my family as well," she said.

Finally, one van lifer said she puts out items at her campsite to make it look like she's not alone.

Finally, one van lifer said she puts out items at her campsite to make it look like she
Sierra Fernald with her van.      @sierra.fernald/TikTok

Fernald said that on top of never telling strangers that she's traveling alone, she also makes it look like there's more than one person at her camping spot.

For example, she might throw her boyfriend's hat in the dash of her van or lay out a pair of his shoes at the campground.

"I make it look like there's someone else with me," she said. "When you set up at camp, put out two or three chairs to make it look like there's multiple people there."

The women's words of wisdom helped me safe throughout my trip.

The women
Business Insider's author in front of a campervan.      Monica Humphries/Business Insider

Sure, I was on edge during the first night in my campervan, but, after that, I was comfortable in the van I called home for two weeks.

I have this set of nomads to thank for that.

Beyond reminding me to pack my bear spray, they also provided helpful tips I wouldn't have considered.

For example, I made sure I was always parking toward an exit route throughout my trip and got to my destinations before the sun had set.

With their tips in mind, I felt safe throughout my two-week journey — regardless of where I was parked.

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