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  5. A matchmaker reviewed a 40-year-old's Hinge profile and said he should remove his dealbreakers

A matchmaker reviewed a 40-year-old's Hinge profile and said he should remove his dealbreakers

A matchmaker reviewed a 40-year-old's Hinge profile and said he should remove his dealbreakers
Ken submitted his Hinge profile to Business Insider's Dating App Clinic.Adene Sanchez/Getty Images
  • Ken submitted his Hinge profile for review by an expert as part of Business Insider's Dating App Clinic.
  • Matchmaker Thalia Ouimet said Ken should remove his Disney-adult dealbreaker mention and his voice memo.

Ken, a 40-year-old using Hinge to date, submitted his profile for Business Insider's Dating App Clinic, a series where we ask experts how to revamp your dating profiles to increase your chances of finding a match.

Ken said he's looking to date women. He's seeking someone who is compassionate, kind, and who has positive attitude. He told Insider his dealbreakers are people who are polyamorous, not emotionally available, and poor communicators, though he included others in his profile.

"I'm a compassionate, easy-going person who enjoys music, being outside, reading, and giving back to those less fortunate," Ken told Business Insider.

Ultimately, Ken is seeking a long-term partnership, and is open to marriage.

Ken said he thinks he's honest about what he's looking for in his profile, and includes clear photos. But he could use help finding ways to make it more appealing to potential matches, so he gets more likes, he said.

Matchmaker Thalia Ouimet told Business Insider how Ken could update his dating profile to increase his chances of finding a match.

Ouimet said that Ken has a good start to his profile, but he should consider overhauling his photo selections.

Ouimet said that Ken has a good start to his profile, but he should consider overhauling his photo selections.
Ken's Hinge profile is a bit too selfie-heavy, a matchmaker said.      Insider

According to Ouimet, singles should think of their dating app profiles, including like photos they pick for them, like their personal billboards.

"Remember that people reading it probably won't know anything about you, and you want to represent yourself in the best light," Ouimet said.

With this strategy in mind, Ouimet tells her matchmaking clients to avoid using selfies in their profiles, saying they could come off as unintentional and a bit sloppy.

Ouimet said she'd keep this photo, since it shows Ken doing something interesting that he enjoys.

Ouimet said she
Ouimet approved of Ken's photo selection here, saying it's good inspiration for updating his other shots.      Insider

According to Ouimet, Ken should keep photos like this one in mind when choosing new shots to add to his profile.

She said that it's important to prioritize photos that represent your true self. Since Ken mentioned his love of being outdoors, this picture is a great way to illustrate that, Ouimet said.

Instead of including another outdoorsy photo, Ouimet suggested Ken showcase a different hobby.

Instead of including another outdoorsy photo, Ouimet suggested Ken showcase a different hobby.
Dating app profiles should include five or six photos, experts told Business Insider.      Insider

Dating experts recommend including between five and six photos in your profile so as to not overwhelm potential matches, Business Insider previously reported.

Since Ken already has another great picture of himself enjoying the outdoors, Ouimet suggested swapping this one out to better highlight another aspect of Ken's personality.

For example, if he has a pet, enjoys grabbing a beer at his local bar, or is a major book worm, he should find ways to illustrate those helpful details through his photo choices.

If possible, Ken should consider investing in professionally shot photographs, Ouimet said.

If possible, Ken should consider investing in professionally shot photographs, Ouimet said.
Right now, Ken's photos focus on his love of the outdoors.      Insider

Ouimet said she instructs her clients to hire a professional photographer, saying they can find creative and unique ways to illustrate your hobbies and personality.

But if that's not doable, Ken could also recruit a friend and focus on a few main points, Ouimet said.

She said that he should avoid photos that show his friends, which could confuse potential matches. Additionally, he should prepare a few different outfits, both casual and more formal, to give a taste of what he'd look like in different settings, Ouimet said.

Here, Ouimet suggested changing the prompt to focus on who Ken is, rather than what he wants in a partner.

Here, Ouimet suggested changing the prompt to focus on who Ken is, rather than what he wants in a partner.
Be sure to write about yourself, not just what you're looking for, in your profile, experts say.      Insider

While it's important to explain the type of person you're seeking on a dating app, you should lead with descriptions of yourself and what you offer as a potential match, Ouimet said.

That's why she suggested Ken update the first prompt in his profile to be more about his attributes.

She'd pick the Hinge prompt that reads "We'll get along if…" and then write something like, "…you're looking for someone easy going, compassionate, loyal, fun, and outdoorsy. You found him ;)"

Ken should swap out this selfie and consider removing his voice note, Ouimet said.

Ken should swap out this selfie and consider removing his voice note, Ouimet said.
Ouimet typically advises against putting a voice note in a dating profile, she said.      Insider

Since this is another selfie, Ouimet suggested replacing it.

A full-body photo, something that shows Ken wearing something more formal, or a shot of him laughing would work well, dating photographer German Marin previously told Business Insider.

Ouimet also said she would advise Ken to remove the voice note prompt.

"I don't recommend using that feature, unless you have a noteworthy thought to share about yourself. If you do, keep it short and sweet," Ouimet said.

Since the "Guess the song" prompt Ken went with is pretty generic, it's best to leave it out, according to Ouimet.

Ouimet said she'd also remove Ken's dealbreakers to center positivity in his profile.

Ouimet said she
You should keep a few deal breakers in mind to ensure compatibility, but you don't need to list them in your profile, experts say.      Insider

It's fine to have between three and five dealbreakers while you casually date, experts previously told Business Insider.

But Ouimet warned against stating them outright in your profile, like Ken does here. She said it's better to write about what you want to attract, since focusing on the positives tends to lead to more matches than highlighting the things that turn you off.

You can determine whether someone has too many of your dealbreakers once you match and chat on the app, or during your first and second dates, experts previously told Business Insider.

Overall, Ken has the beginnings of a strong profile. Being more intentional about his photos and words could take it to the next level.

Overall, Ken has the beginnings of a strong profile. Being more intentional about his photos and words could take it to the next level.
A few intentional updates could transform Ken's profile.      Insider

According to Ouimet, Ken did a good job of avoiding common mistakes, like including group photos and over-editing his photos, when building his Hinge profile.

At the same time, Ouimet said Ken made some easily fixable mistakes, ones that she sees over and over with clients, like using selfies and listing out dealbreakers.

Removing these elements and setting aside time to update them could make a huge difference, Ouimet said.

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