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I've stayed alone in over 45 hostels across 24 countries. Here are 10 big mistakes I see other travelers make.

I've stayed alone in over 45 hostels across 24 countries. Here are 10 big mistakes I see other travelers make.
I've stayed in over 45 hostels across the globe.Dominique Mills
  • I'm a solo traveler who's been to 24 different countries and stayed in over 45 hostels.
  • Mistakes I've seen others make include booking private rooms and not reading recent reviews.

After traveling to 24 different countries and staying in over 45 hostels, I'm a self-proclaimed expert.

I've explored the world one bunk bed at a time and encountered my fair share of mistakes.

There's no right or wrong way to travel, but there are a few helpful things to know and avoid when staying in a hostel.

Not checking the type of hostel you're booking might impact your experience.

Not checking the type of hostel you
Researching hostels will help find the perfect fit for your stay.      Dominique Mills.

Before I book a room, I take a moment to research the type of hostel I'm interested in.

Throughout my travels, I've found I can break most hostels into three categories: party hostels, social hostels, and ghost-town hostels (which I always avoid because they're too empty and isolated). These each offer varying levels of group activities, outings, and comfort.

Failing to research a hostel thoroughly before booking can lead to a mismatch between expectations and reality.

Choosing a private room instead of a dorm might actually be a mistake.

Choosing a private room instead of a dorm might actually be a mistake.
Booking a private room can isolate you from a full experience.      Dominique Mills

Although private rooms sometimes provide additional space, alone time, and personal bathrooms, there are drawbacks to consider.

By opting for a secluded room, you're potentially isolating yourself and missing out on meeting new people. If your heart is still set on a private room, be sure to venture out to engage with other travelers in the shared social spaces.

It's a common misconception that the smallest dorm room is the best option.

A larger dorm allows you to meet more people in the hostel.      Dominique Mills

I like bigger rooms — usually with eight to 12 beds — as there are more chances to make new friends.

I met one of my closest friends in an eight-bed dorm in Thailand.

Not requesting the bottom bunk can add extra obstacles.

Not requesting the bottom bunk can add extra obstacles.
The bottom bunk relieves the struggle of climbing up a ladder.      Dominique Mills

The bottom bunk may seem like a confining choice, but it can make a significant difference in comfort.

On the bottom bunk, you can use the under-bed storage and avoid climbing a ladder. Plus, even if the hostel doesn't provide bunk curtains for privacy, it's easy enough to make one out of a towel or sheet when you're on the lower level.

I've slept on a few top bunks that don't even have side barriers, so I always find them a little more questionable. I usually ask for the bottom bunk at the check-in desk or in a "special requests" entry on the reservation.

The location can jeopardize a good hostel experience.

The location can jeopardize a good hostel experience.
Although price is important, considering the location is just as important.      Dominique Mills

Although it's tempting to choose a hostel solely based on price, try to consider the surrounding area and its suitability for your plans.

Things to consider include the relative safety of the area and its distance from attractions and restaurants.

Choosing a place outside of your planned route can lead to extra transportation costs and less time to explore.

It's always wise to check the hostel's recent reviews.

Recent reviews can inform you of the current state of the hostel.      Dominique Mills

Hostel reviews tell me what I need to know before my stay.

Instead of relying on overall ratings, I like to focus on recent reviews that provide current insights. Things to look out for include the hostel's cleanliness, atmosphere, staff friendliness, and available activities.

Disregarding hostel etiquette is a no-go.

Disregarding hostel etiquette is a no-go.
Although most hostel etiquette is common sense, following it is crucial.      Dominique Mills

Most hostel etiquette seems like common sense — keeping your space clean, taking phone calls outside of the dorm. But you'd be surprised at how many people unknowingly disregard it.

The most important rule, in my opinion, is staying quiet during quiet hours. Others include keeping lights off when others are sleeping and using headphones instead of playing audio out loud.

If you skip out on hostel activities, you might miss the opportunity to make friends.

If you skip out on hostel activities, you might miss the opportunity to make friends.
Hostel activities are a fun way to make new friends.      Dominique Mills

Most hostels have amazing activities and event boards available for guests. These exist for a reason — it's the best opportunity to meet new people and explore the local area.

The most common activity is a classic bar crawl. But don't worry, if you're a nondrinker like me, almost every hostel offers free tours and some form of activity like a local cooking class.

Not bringing earplugs and a sleep mask could make for restless nights.

Not bringing earplugs and a sleep mask could make for restless nights.
If you value sleep, these supplies are important to have.      Dominique Mills

Sometimes hostels have unexpected disruptions, such as lights being switched on in the night or lively groups returning from a wild night out.

For those who value their sleep, packing a sleep mask and earplugs can ensure a more restful night no matter what antics occur in the room. I always pack them for my trips.

Forgetting to lock away valuables is a huge mistake.

Forgetting to lock away valuables is a huge mistake.
I keep my belongings close, safe, and locked up.      Dominique Mills

In my experience, hostels are can be safe places with kind travelers — but I'll still never leave any belongings unattended.

To protect my valuables, I bring a padlock and make use of the provided lockers in the dorms. In cases where I've felt the need to be extra cautious, I've also slept with my phone under my pillow.

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