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  4. 24 photos show what Burning Man was really like in 2023 — and it wasn't the disaster the media made it out to be

24 photos show what Burning Man was really like in 2023 and it wasn't the disaster the media made it out to be

24 photos show what Burning Man was really like in 2023 — and it wasn't the disaster the media made it out to be
My experience at Burning Man 2023 was magical — and nothing like you read in the headlines.Anneta Konstantinides/Insider
  • I went to Burning Man for the first time and it was one of the best weeks of my life.
  • Before the storm came, I witnessed many moments of playa magic — including a beautiful wedding.

I went to Burning Man for the first time and it was one of the best weeks of my life.

I went to Burning Man for the first time and it was one of the best weeks of my life.
Me on day two of Burning Man, when the ground had yet to turn to mud.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

I've seen Burning Man 2023 called a "total disaster" and "Fyre Festival 2.0." I've read stories about people "clamoring to escape" and leaving behind their cars and trash.

But my eight days at Black Rock City were only filled with incredible memories, the best community, and a whole lot of playa magic.

My journey began just as the sun rose after 6 a.m. on Sunday, August 27.

My journey began just as the sun rose after 6 a.m. on Sunday, August 27.
The entrance into Burning Man at sunrise.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

We spent around four hours in line to get into Black Rock City. Once we hit the entrance, a greeter invited me to partake in an inaugural "Dust Angel" and ring the bell — tradition for "Virgin Burners." I happily obliged.

The first day at camp was dedicated to building. We put up the Dome — our gift to the playa.

The first day at camp was dedicated to building. We put up the Dome — our gift to the playa.
Our camp erecting the Dome.      Chase Mitchell

The bulk of my incredible Burning Man experience was due to Android Oasis, once a six-person crew of friends that has since blossomed into a 70-person camp.

Our gift to the playa was our covered Dome, where we offered Burners a place to cool down from the heat with massages, ice-cold drinks, and great music. When the weather took a turn and we were ordered to shelter in place, the dome became the place where our camp bonded during nightly dance parties.

My first days at Burning Man featured plenty of parties.

My first days at Burning Man featured plenty of parties.
Dancing on top of DISTRIKT at Burning Man.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Burning Man is known for its incredible art and music, and we spent the first few days exploring as much of it as possible.

At night the playa came alive with sets from DJs including Diplo, Gorgon City, and Vintage Culture.

At night the playa came alive with sets from DJs including Diplo, Gorgon City, and Vintage Culture.
Dancing at Playa Alchemist.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Before the bad weather hit, each night we hopped on our bikes and rode out to the playa to catch different DJs that were being hosted at big camps like Playa Alchemist and Playground.

I found myself dancing in everything from a towering pyramid to a fluffy cloud.

Life at Burning Man often felt like living in a video game — or a fairy tale.

Life at Burning Man often felt like living in a video game — or a fairy tale.
The skyline by my camp at Burning Man.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Our camp was right next to Looners, which offered hot air balloon rides at sunset and sunrise. Biking back home while watching the hot air balloon rise against the mountain skyline was always magical.

I also worked two six-hour shifts for my camp during the beginning of the week.

I also worked two six-hour shifts for my camp during the beginning of the week.
I worked as a greeter for our dome.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

As a greeter for our dome, I invited passersby inside and offered to help cool them down with a spray of eucalyptus water (which feels even better when powered with a lawn mower).

And watched two of my friends get married at sunset.

And watched two of my friends get married at sunset.
We circled our friends before they said "I do" at sunset.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

My friends Chase and Ari, who help run Android Oasis and have been going to Burning Man for years, got married at sunset exactly a year to the day they became engaged on the playa.

Their wedding is the perfect example of "playa magic" — the art piece they had hoped to tie the knot in front of was just getting finished as our 100-person bike congregation rode up to it. The artist got to watch as they tied the knot in front of his piece and even offered us all words of advice as he spoke on the importance of vulnerability in every relationship.

On the fifth day came my very first whiteout.

On the fifth day came my very first whiteout.
A whiteout on the playa.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

After a week of near-perfect weather, we got hit with a dust storm — commonly known as "whiteouts" — on the playa on Thursday night. I knew the chances of spending a week at Burning Man without one were slim.

While the dust was initially scary, we kept calm, put our goggles and masks on, and danced to some bass music in front of the WOMP art car until things settled down.

By Friday afternoon, the real weather had touched down.

By Friday afternoon, the real weather had touched down.
Our campground turned into a pool of mud when the bad weather hit.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

By Friday night, we were told to shelter in place. My campmates all ventured into the Dome for an impromptu dance party.

The most treacherous part of the night was venturing to the bathrooms in the mud, which we made more enjoyable by linking arms and belting out Spice Girls songs.

The mud helped our camp bond and rally together...

The mud helped our camp bond and rally together...
My muddy campgrounds.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Our RV took in four campmates whose tents had flooded during the storm. We all swapped dehydrated meals and snacks and listened for updates on BMIR 94.5 FM, Burning Man's official radio station.

It was easy to keep spirits high thanks to the two-hour ABBA marathons.

...although it definitely destroyed some of our shoes.

...although it definitely destroyed some of our shoes.
A pile of shoes at our RV.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

We quickly learned that most of our boots were not designed for traversing through the muddy playa.

We quickly switched to the "socks and garbage bag" method.

We quickly switched to the "socks and garbage bag" method.
No "trench foot" to be found here.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

First you put on your socks, then you cover each foot with a garbage bag, then — if you had enough pairs — you'd throw on another sock. This kept our feet protected in our short walks from our camp to the dome to the porta potties.

Our neighborhood continued the nightly dance parties.

Our neighborhood continued the nightly dance parties.
A neighborhood dance party at Alborz.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Gifting is a big part of the Burning Man spirit, and that continued even in the storm. One of my campmates made grilled cheese sandwiches for our neighbors right on the dance floor of their party on the second night of the shelter-in-place order.

While the media made conditions sound catastrophic, the only part that was really rough were the porta-potties.

While the media made conditions sound catastrophic, the only part that was really rough were the porta-potties.
This wasn't ideal.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Because of the amount of foot traffic the porta potties always got, the mud stayed wet and was hard to trek through for the three days of the storm. But some heroes came to service the toilets on the second morning and they were never in danger of overfilling.

By Monday, the mud had dried and the roads to the real world had re-opened.

By Monday, the mud had dried and the roads to the real world had re-opened.
Mud drying at Burning Man.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

We cheered on Monday morning as we woke up to the sun's bright rays.

While outlets reported a mass exodus and abandoned vehicles, many of us stayed behind to clean.

While outlets reported a mass exodus and abandoned vehicles, many of us stayed behind to clean.
We spent hours picking up trash before we left.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

"Leave no trace" is a big part of Burning Man's ethos, and our camp spent hours making sure we picked up any trash that had been swept up in those first days of the storm.

My RV decided to stay to watch the Man finally burn that night, which allowed me to capture one final sunset.

My RV decided to stay to watch the Man finally burn that night, which allowed me to capture one final sunset.
My last sunset at Burning Man 2023.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Watching the mountains that overlooked my camp turn purple as the sun set behind them never got old.

Before watching the Man burn, I visited Temple. It ended up being the hardest part of my entire experience.

Before watching the Man burn, I visited Temple. It ended up being the hardest part of my entire experience.
Temple at Burning Man.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

Temple is an annual tradition at Burning Man, its walls covered floor to ceiling with mementos and letters and photos of lost loved ones. It's a communal place of grief and catharsis and I was warned many times that my first visit would likely feel intense.

Before the storm hit, I had planned to visit Temple in the daytime, write a letter to myself, and sit on my own and reflect. My time there was shortened, and the sheer amount of pain that the Temple holds hit me harder than I expected — to the point where I actually had to run out of it for a second.

But as my boyfriend Peter hugged me and encouraged me to go back in, I was grateful I still got the chance to experience it.

Just before the Man was lit on fire, we got the fireworks show of a lifetime.

Just before the Man was lit on fire, we got the fireworks show of a lifetime.
The Man flanked by fireworks.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

My boyfriend and I got second-row seats to watch the Man burn, an annual tradition that is usually held on the last Saturday of Burning Man.

It felt like whiplash going straight from Temple to the event, but watching the playa light up one last time also felt like the perfect way to end my first Burning Man experience.

And then the Man became engulfed in flames.

And then the Man became engulfed in flames.
The Man burning on Monday evening.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

My wild eight-day experience at Burning Man was nearing the end.

The party raged on for many as the Man continued to burn.

The party raged on for many as the Man continued to burn.
The playa on Burn night.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

While the news reports I've seen have focused on people fleeing Black Rock City after "days of danger" and "total chaos," the truth is that from what I could tell, most people stuck around.

Most of the art cars were still there, a sea of neon octopuses, jellyfish, peacocks, and more blasting music as happy Burners danced all around them.

I hopped on one last art car before it was time to head back to camp.

I hopped on one last art car before it was time to head back to camp.
Me on top of an art car on the last night at Burning Man.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

One of my favorite dance songs blasted from the speaker right as Peter and I climbed up to the roof of the art car — one last moment of playa magic.

My first Burning Man experience was unlike anything I expected — and I can't wait to go back again.

My first Burning Man experience was unlike anything I expected — and I can
The mud didn't scare me away from Burning Man.      Anneta Konstantinides/Insider

What I saw during my week on the playa was a community of people who were still able to find humor and friendship — even when the conditions didn't go our way.

It was a much-needed reminder to improvise and search for joy in the tough moments, lean on each other when life gets muddy, and buy more champagne than you think you need.

Plus, dance parties and ABBA singalongs always make everything better.

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