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Slaughter houses closed, cow smuggling banned! Yogi Adityanath is keeping up BJP promises and how

Mar 22, 2017, 17:04 IST
Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath knows how to keep his promises. In the latest move, he has ordered closure of slaughter houses across the state, along with a ban on cow smuggling.

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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) manifesto had mentioned all the illegal slaughter houses will be shut down, and there will be a blanket ban on all the mechanised slaughter houses.

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Even though it couldn’t be ascertained as to what type of slaughter houses have been asked to be shut down by the CM, the ban on cow smuggling is being seen as a positive step keeping in mind the suffering that dairy-based industries had to go through.


In his election meetings, BJP Chief Amit Shah had stressed upon party’s decision to ban all slaughter houses in UP once they come to power.

Also read: Hindu hardliner & UP CM Yogi Adityanath clears 20 acres of land for Ramayana Museum

(Image source: Huffington Post)
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