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Skeleton Slider Flips Upside Down At 75 MPH, Crawls Back Onto Sled, Continues Down The Track

Feb 14, 2014, 21:30 IST


Irish skeleton slider Sean Greenwood went airborne after a crash at the Olympics, but was somehow able to continue his run after a quick recovery.


He was traveling at 75 mph, so it all happened in the space of a few seconds. But when you break it down frame by frame you see that he actually crashes, flies into the air, lands upside down, flips the sled back over, crawls onto it, and finishes the run.


He got caught to high on the track around a late turn:


His sled lost contact with the track, sending him airborne:


He landed on his side, and slid down the track on his back:


But he never let go of his sled:


He began to maneuver it back underneath him:


He got the sled back on its runners:


And pulled himself back into proper position:




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