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'Shark Tank' investor Daymond John shares 9 business books he thinks everyone should read

Mar 1, 2016, 04:12 IST

&quotShark Tank" investor Daymond John speaks on stage at the Thurgood Marshall College Fund 27th Annual Awards Gala at the Washington Hilton on November 16, 2015 in Washington, DC.Paul Morigi/Getty Images

As a 14 year old, Daymond John had yet to be diagnosed with dyslexia but knew that he struggled with reading.

However, there was one book -Napoleon Hill's 1937 classic "Think and Grow Rich" - that so enthralled him, he not only pushed through it but decided to read it again every year.

In John's own book, "The Power of Broke," he writes that the book profoundly changed his mindset from focusing on what he didn't want to become to instead concentrating on what he did want to become. This shift allowed him to start FUBU in his early 20s and then grow it into a company that brought in multimillion-dollar business, he says.

In a recent Reddit "AMA", the "Shark Tank" investor shared several books that he thinks every new entrepreneur should read. We've collected them here along with some books John previously told Business Insider had changed his life.


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