1. Make a viewer aware about something valuable
2. Generate interest to consider buying or associating
3. Trigger an action, like a visit to the store or an online purchase
Out of the above, the first outcome is most likely, but least useful and strangely the most celebrated one. I am tired of hearing of
Branding is about getting the house in order, and advertising is about inviting people to it. Unfortunately, more time, money and resources are spent inviting people to the house than getting the house in order. Advertising is cool and becoming famous gives a gullible satisfaction that you have arrived. It is self-fulfilling, but doesn't necessary imply success and, therefore, can be self-destructing. With advertising, you may succeed in convincing a buyer to try or buy your product, but in order to sustain and survive you will need a brand that performs and transfers value to the buyer that exceeds the cost she paid for it.
Branding is the process of adding real value to the product or service and subsequently transferring it to its buyer with each passing action, interaction, presentation and performance of the brand. Advertising has an integral role to play in this process, provided the advertisement exactly and clearly communicates what the real experience is likely to be. Any deviation to this rule can be costly in the long run and even debilitating for some of the brands. The deviances, however, are commonplace, as the advertiser often confuses advertising goals with expected outcomes (as described earlier). Part of the reason for this is the advertiser's poor understanding of their own brand and the value it carries.
Let's take the example of smartphones. Good advertising can make users interested in a new smartphone. However, when you are operating in a customer segment where a significant part of the
It is, thus, really important for an advertiser to understand his brand well, because only then he would be able to build and sustain brand momentum. In the next article of this series, we will discuss what path he should follow. Stay tuned!
(Saurabh Uboweja is a Branding Expert and CEO of