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SENATE DEMS: We Will Reject The Latest House Shutdown Bill In Less Than An Hour

Brett LoGiurato   

SENATE DEMS: We Will Reject The Latest House Shutdown Bill In Less Than An Hour

Harry Reid


The House of Representatives is voting now on two new amendments that chip away at Obamacare in its continuing resolution.

And if they pass, as expected, Senate Democrats will reject them immediately, sending back the Senate's so-called "clean" CR to the House before a midnight government shutdown deadline.

"We will be right back at square one yet again. House Republicans simply have to choose whether to put the Senate's clean CR on the floor and let it pass with Democratic and Republican votes, or force a Republican government shutdown," a senior Senate Democratic aide said.

The House is voting on two changes to Obamacare in its continuing resolution. It delays by one year the implementation of the individual mandate, and it includes language that would bar lawmakers, Congressional staffers, and administration staffers from receiving federal subsidies for health insurance under Obamacare.

Earlier on Monday, the Senate made the same move, killing two GOP amendments that the House passed Saturday night.


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