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Scotland's parties are ready to unite and push for a 'Soft Brexit'

Nov 14, 2016, 17:26 IST

Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images

Scotland's government is set to ask opposition parties to unite and push for the UK to retain single-market membership after Brexit.


Scottish ceconomy secretary Keith Brown will lead a debate in the Scottish parliament on Tuesday seeking cross-party support for single-market access, which is a free trade agreement between countries within the European Union, as well as several others.

Scotland voted to remain in the EU by a margin of 62% to 38%. The ruling Scottish National Party (SNP), led by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, believes that gives Scotland a mandate to lobby hard for the gentlest possible terms of exit from the union.

Brown called the EU a "vital trading body" for Scotland. "It's the destination for 42% of our exports, is a market nine times bigger than the UK's alone, contains eight of our top 12 export destinations and contributed £11.6 billion to the economy in 2014," he said.

He added: "The benefits of remaining within this market are clear - Scotland is currently the most attractive region outside of London for overseas inward investment, and maintaining a pathway to the single market is a key factor for many international companies who choose to base themselves here."


All opposition parties in Scotland have indicated their support for remaining in the single market since the referendum.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson, whose party is the official opposition, said in July that her "the over-riding priority is to retain access to it," and Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said in September that she was "absolutely committed" to single market membership, and would support SNP efforts to retain it.

Prime Minister Theresa May, however, has hinted that she will prioritise placing greater curbs on immigration over retaining single-market access should she be forced to decide between the two, although she has dismissed the suggestion that any such decision would be a "binary" one.

Although May has offered leaders of the devolved administrations - including Sturgeon - a "hotline" to Brexit negotiations, she also rejected the first minister's call for a 'special deal' for Scotland, meaning that the SNP will now focus on keeping the whole of the UK within the single market.

"Cutting ties with the EU single market would seriously threaten Scotland's attractiveness as a place to do business, remove several vital streams of funding, and endanger the security of jobs, businesses and services across the country," Brown said.


"That is why it is essential that this week our national Parliament sends as united a message as possible that Scotland must remain in the single market," he added.

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