Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Gulf of Mexico 2018.
A goosefish (Lophiodes beroe) was observed at ~640 meters (~2,100 feet). These fish are fairly common at about 600 - 800 meters (~1,970 - 2,625 feet) deep. A type of anglerfish, the lures are visible in the center of its face.
Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration conducted an expedition to explore uncharted waters in the deepest parts of the Gulf of Mexico - and the images they're bringing back are astonishing.
During the mission, scientists spent three weeks aboard NOAA's Okeanos Explorer exploring and documenting some of the little-understood species who call the seafloor home.
Using a mix of remote-operated submersibles (ROVs), and shore-based instruments, the team brought back stunning images of these previously unexplored areas.
Check out what they brought back from the inky depths below: