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These Breathtaking Photos Show Insects Up-Close In Morning Dew

Water beads on this blue dragon fly because of the liquid's surface tension. The water molecules are more attracted to each other than to the insect's exoskeleton, so they ball up.

These Breathtaking Photos Show Insects Up-Close In Morning Dew
LifeScience1 min read

Moths' wings, like butterflies', contain "dust," or tiny scales made from modified hairs. They help with flight.


Source: Science Focus

Some moths smell through their antennae.

Some moths smell through their antennae.

Source: Ask Nature

Yes, dragonflies bite. But they rarely will unless threatened.

Yes, dragonflies bite. But they rarely will unless threatened.

Most insects, like this dragonfly, see using many small, hexagonal sections in their eyes called ommatidium. Each ommatidium acts independently, like a one-pixel picture. The insect's brain then puts these frames together, creating a blurry, mosaic-version of the world.

Most insects, like this dragonfly, see using many small, hexagonal sections in their eyes called ommatidium. Each ommatidium acts independently, like a one-pixel picture. The insect

Source: PhysioViva

The common housefly exhibits the fastest visual response in the animal kingdom. They can track movements up to five times faster than humans, making then near-impossible to swat.

The common housefly exhibits the fastest visual response in the animal kingdom. They can track movements up to five times faster than humans, making then near-impossible to swat.


Their quick vision allows them to dodge our hands. A flies' brain can calculate a threat, create an escape plan, and plant its leg in the optimal position for evasion — all within 100 milliseconds. You could say they see in slow-motion.

Their quick vision allows them to dodge our hands. A flies


But flies don't have eyelids. They rub their eyes with their feet to keep them clean — a strange movement you've probably noticed.

But flies don

Oddly enough, flies only have two wings, while most other insects have two pairs, four total.

Oddly enough, flies only have two wings, while most other insects have two pairs, four total.

Stink bugs smell because their thorax omits a foul goo that tastes just as a awful to predators as it smells to humans.

Stink bugs smell because their thorax omits a foul goo that tastes just as a awful to predators as it smells to humans.

Source: Animal Planet

Most spiders have eight eyes. The main set (in the middle) can pick out details easily while the peripheral ones watch out for impending danger.

Most spiders have eight eyes. The main set (in the middle) can pick out details easily while the peripheral ones watch out for impending danger.

Source: LiveScience

Bees might only have two eyes, but they can recognize and remember human faces — a skill called configural processing.

Bees might only have two eyes, but they can recognize and remember human faces — a skill called configural processing.

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